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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Whale oil beef hooked- it’s always been Ham wherever I’ve worked, but different environments I suppose. Greedy buggers snaffling all the OT were Ham Beasts.
  2. It’s when you’re there physically but not there mentally, isn’t it? So, you blobbed this shift because your attention was on the match, not the job. “Why’s HMHM’s line backed up, Marra?” ” Mags game marra, he’s fucking blobbing it. FTM”
  3. Is that based on stats or is it just a hunch?
  4. I went to a wedding where the best man was the groom’s brother, but he lived in Perth WA. They did this. It was shit.
  5. shame you still can't see the ball in that photo, butnonetheless, tremendous!
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