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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Meh, Sweden/Denmark… same difference.
  2. Since nobody asked, but I like a bit of cosmological chit chat; As well as Earth and the other planets rotating around the Sun, the Sun itself also rotates. However, because it’s not a solid, it spins at different rates - its equator completes a rotation every 24 days, but near its poles it takes 35 days to do the same. Mercury, the planet nearest to the Sun, takes 88 days to orbit the Sun. We take just over 365 days, and Pluto takes just over 248 years to orbit the Sun. The Solar System is also orbiting the black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, at a speed of roughly 515,000mph, taking about 230 million years to complete an orbit. Since its birth, the Sun has completed 18 Galactic orbits. The last time the Sun was in the position it is now, the Trilobites had just gone extinct and all the continents were joined as Pangaea.
  3. It looks like an old school VW btw, I’d normally say a Golf, but it’s probably a Polo.
  4. “ Here’s looking atchoo , kid”
  5. Hey, it’s not to be sneezed at.
  6. People were getting with messages from LTA about ASM or some shit, so Andrew removed the message capability from them. All they need do to restore it is send Andrew a message saying sorry…
  7. Watching the storms pass on the terrace at Café del Cheviot.
  8. Are you playing the Dad’s D&B stage this year?
  9. The Ladies Euros are next year. The FA can save a few quid and recycle its banners.
  10. Foden might have made the call for Southgate… https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/articles/cy779zdr2yro
  11. Indeed. If anyone wants a brief summary of my year, hit me up in the DMs.
  12. If she’s not, I’ll guarantee she was a founding member of The Sunderland AFC Heaven Branch. They’re fucking desperate these, mind
  13. I’ve just slept in a metal box from 7:30am. In a totally unshaded concrete parking pad. Sweaty is t the word.
  14. Good news this, I’ve always quite admired Assange… from a distance. I imagine in person he’s fucking lifting and an insufferable weapon.
  15. I’m not 100% convinced this Putin is the same one as the one that gave Yeltsin his final vodka.
  16. The Tory Twoccer, now I’ve heard everything
  17. Dee-Lite, memorable for an absolute banger and an absolute bang her of a catsuit.
  18. Oh dear Roberto Without wanting to compound your misery on the night your lads just got tae fuck, I’ve got to say this is a strange hill to choose to die on, especially as you’re 100% wrong Let’s assume that Crazy In Love was the best track of the 21st C when it was realised in May 2003 ( it wasn’t). Its crown had barely had time to settle before it had its, admittedly fucking lovely, arse kicked three months later when this absolute Pop masterpiece was released. To prove it’s position as the best track of 2003, just tune in to your local commercial radio breakfast show, and after listening to Jenny and Jonno ,( or Kim and Kev, or whatever pair of vacuous window-lickers they have), wittering on about how they don’t understand coffee, or woke up scared of shoes, whatever verbal shite they spout, within 10 minutes it’ll be played. Every day, every station, still, over twenty years after its release. Why? Because it’s a an amazing pop record- you can not listen to it without at least one part of your body involuntarily tapping out the rhythm. Every cunt likes it- you can not go to a wedding, Christmas party, retirement do, family BBQ, whatever, without it inevitably being played. It’s a masterpiece. I’ll accept your apologies by proxy, as you’re obviously going to be busy crying in to your pint of Bucky, or approving new memberships to the Queen Bey Official Fan Club.
  19. Aye, Pompeii has been on my list for ages.
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