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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. They can have a quick shit far easier in these.
  2. This illustrates several things to me- firstly, rather than pay the proper amount which would have left him with a measly £23.3 million, he went for über greed, the cunt. Secondly, the stubborn refusal of these privately-educated pricks to realise that when they go up against the British public, they will come up against savant-levels of expertise and biblical vindictiveness
  3. Last I heard him and his lass had bought adjacent season tickets in the South Stand, and were opening a Cheese and Chip shop in Pallion. Seriously though, no idea- he got banned from Twatter, I’ve no idea which of his 4000 accounts on here he most recently used so don’t know if he’s been lurking. I hope he got past his health troubles.
  4. I was waiting for Wraith to appear stage right leading a funeral procession, and frankly, I’m dissatisfied he didn’t.
  5. Its not even a shot of the whole thing This could just be a pic of the sun-faded seats tbh.
  6. Would he not let you bang his Mrs then, Thompers?
  7. Proof. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raich_Carter
  8. Chords don’t exist. It’s a hoax by Big Music to make people take notes.
  9. Aye, I tried to see what tenuous shite they were claiming it on, as you say- doesn’t exist. Notably, the wiki article for Jackie’s early life makes no mention at all of his MLF status.
  10. No, as far as I’m aware you’re correct. There’s been a settlement since at least the Bronze Age but the first recorded name was Pons Aelius by the Romans. It was known as Monkchester due it having at least 5 different friarys in the city, the only one still remaining is Blackfriars. It was named Newcastle after the construction of the Norman Keep, but since they spoke French, it was probably known as Neufchâtel. Never been Novo Castria. In Roman times the tiny settlements around the wear were known collectively as Sextus Digitalus, and latterly by the Normans as Trou de Merde.
  11. That whole page is entertaining, especially the “ Notable Supporters “ section. They're fucking desperate to claim Jackie Milburn as one of theirs Mind you, reading the full list, at least half I was like “ nee idea who that is”.
  12. Wasn’t interested- things like that cut in to valuable kebab-time
  13. So, you do actually know how to use google…
  14. Of course, nowt’s straightforward- been in this house since 2018, new boiler last January with a 5 year warranty. The warranty is registered under our previous address for some reason, and changing it, which you’d think would be easy, is not.… … because of “the system”. Which means that the leak detection team will be given the old address to go to. Fuck me with a rusty stick.
  15. Aye, that’ll be it. I’ll change it back and the leak should be fixed.
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