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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I wonder if he had to pay his Mam and Dad board?
  2. Sperm donor who fathered 550 children ordered to stop https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-65429936 What an irresponsible wanker.
  3. Did the article specify which shirt they’re sponsoring? We’ve got about 5 or so, £25m each, that’ll do for starters.
  4. After he flashed her at the Christmas party she thought he was a real fungi.
  5. Shame you couldn’t “access” Debbie from accounts though, eh?
  6. I find reading this with the following playing as background music adds to the experience.
  7. Craig mate, you’ve taken the first steps in the right direction, don’t look for the finish line, just keep taking the steps. You’ll get there mate.
  8. It was inspired by that spitfire-fucking Saints fan that showed up here a while back. Edit; found him
  9. If you’d asked me before the season started, “ Which sides changing rooms look like a derelict office from the 1980s?” I’d have said “Everton”.
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