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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. It’s all about efficiency these days, so now I shit in the hookers mouth then seal her up in a bag. Two jobs, one action, move on.
  2. Not this former foot-soldier
  3. His dad, uncles and dodgy cousin that sells snide tracky tops were all in the Labour Club.
  4. That’s a mint photo. As a local lad, he must be absolutely ecstatic to have scored the goals , at SJP, that put us in a final. Comes from a lovely family, too.
  5. Probably because he had a third arm growing out of his arsehole.
  6. 7 fucking minutes????? I’ve just rang Ma Fist, and told her to put the tatties in the fridge ffs.
  7. I always find your arm-based puns very humerus.
  8. Barrett Strong, 81. Sang a bit and wrote a few ditties
  9. Anyone recognise this former player turned God-bothering nutter?
  10. “Boldon Dogs Car Park” ”Shat my pants!”
  11. Rick Jones- died in 2021. Was definitely fond of the Devil’s Lettuce Edit; from his wiki page; ”Many years later he revealed the scale of marijuana use at the show Play School after Johnny Ball, a former presenter, alleged that Jones and Lionel Morton, another presenter, were "stoned out of their minds" before filming a nativity scene during the 1970s.”
  12. Ever heard of Fingerbobs? ( no, you filthy twats, it was prime 70s kids tv)
  13. I’m very much team coffee, tea, with or without cow juice, is just meh. Only time I ever have it is with Fish and Chips.
  14. So, can’t you see it? Depressing if not.
  15. Since we’re rating All Saints… Top of the list.
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