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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. There was a long-standing and utterly false rumour that she was a trans woman, which never once put me off That Trading Places scene
  2. I reckon I’d disappoint Ruth Wilson much better than Holden would.
  3. I’m usually happy to take one for the team and look up any vile and disgusting subject you lads with a more sensitive search history won’t- but even I have my limits.
  4. Star Wars movies- first one came out just after Christmas in ‘77, and the new batch all had Christmas release dates- me and my brother always met up with our sons to go and see them. To me, they are Christmas movies.
  5. You’re kind of missing the point I was making to Mrs. F. though- a military sniper is paid money to kill targets given to him by his employer. A hitman/assassin is also paid money to kill targets given to him by his employers. The political or ethical reasons for whatever conflict the military lad is in are as irrelevant as the reasons the assassin’s employer want the target dead. Neither one is morally superior to the other. Where they stand on the moral scale is an entirely different question, but my point is that they are essentially the same.
  6. So, Mrs. F. and I are watching the latest episode of The Jackal. Events in the story prompted a minor disagreement where, obviously, I’m right and she’s wrong It’s spoiling nothing to say that the Jackal is ex-military. I stated that what he’s doing now-being a paid assassin, is, from a purely moral P.O.V., absolutely no different to what he did in the Army- he’s paid money to kill targets given to him by his employers. Mrs. F. disagrees. On what basis, I don’t know, as she’s just said “ But it’s WRONG!”… … which is a different argument entirely. Who’s right, and why is it me?
  7. There’s been a 7.0 earthquake off the coast of California- I’d say, based on nowt but my internet Phd in shite, that there’ll be another one soon.
  8. “Ah meayn, the wadnt compareuh to Nissan, marra, but it was cleyahly a classy playuce cuz it had two car parks! Mebbeyuz it’s cuz horseless vehyiclez are still magical to us, but ah wiz just blown awayuh that in such a modern thing tha wuz a fan of massive lads. FTM, MLF, PLO, IRA an’ that”
  9. Who’d like a slice of pineapple with today’s overcooked gammon ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cly4g2v0ej6o
  10. “safc air freshener” The most redundant product ever made.
  11. Showing my age, but I can not think of Brentford without hearing Alan Freeman selling their static riddled bedding. So, 5-0. Brace from Emperor Roscoe and John Peel, with a winner from Diddy Davis Hamilton.
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