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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Renton is your man for that- he knows his glass-like products.
  2. Why had Man Utd fans travelled so far north for their wake?
  3. High-altitude object shot down over Alaska, US says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64605447 Says “the size of a small car”. Either China is flexing big time, or Musk’s Tesla has decided to come home.
  4. Don’t forget Uncal Micky Grayuhsy. Legendary… …misser of pelanties.
  5. I note you say nothing about the strangle wank.… DBS
  6. I drove to Alston this morning up what I now refer to as the Dirt Road, and didn’t have to break out the shit-kit, so all is not yet lost. Yay!
  7. As it happens I’ve just driven up Tinklers Bank near Riding Mill. I had to pull over as it seems I now have Pavlov’s bladder.
  8. Two bottles of Aldi Prosecco and an Asda cooked chicken.
  9. Hooters What about nice bit Thrush, or Black Birds, a cheeky Goose?
  10. Two photoshops in one pic- you’re improving.
  11. Other than having Robson Green in it, aye
  12. I’ve got a rural run today, so I put So Tough by St. Etienne on. When it was done I’ve got the “infinite play” button selected so it plays “similar” tracks and artists. Brought up a track by Everything But the Girl from Idlewild, one of their albums before they became all cool and remixey and that. It reminded me of two things; 1- Before their reinvention as hep cats, they were absolute cheesemongers. 2- They were, and this album in particular, the favourite band of a lass I went out with when I was 20-21. She was very pretty, an amazing singer, had terrible taste in music but was off-the-charts filth. Could suck a golf ball through a syringe, and swallow it. Indoors, outdoors, front doors, back doors, utter tramp. I even drew the line once when she wanted to try a reciprocal “Chuck Berry” Possibly my most bizarre “intimate experience” was getting a strangle-wank whilst this played in the background at her gaff … Anyway, only lasted 6months, because, as is often the case with the proper filthy ones, she was also batshit insane. I fucked off to France and she went on a World Tour … to Amsterdam.
  13. Melanie Hill, ex-wife of lifelong Blades fan Sean Bean? That’s Sean added to the ranks of imaginary MLF’s then.
  14. I also forgot to call his grandfathers convicts. My apologies mate, I’ll do better next time
  15. Do you have a cheeky cerry at the Rupali, though?
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