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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. No one going to mention @soccermom has moved over to the dark side and called herself Suspender Sue?
  2. He’ll be getting Badenoched if he dares.
  3. Bollockings always sound better when they’re dished out with a northern dialect.
  4. It’s been an hour since this was posted. Gemmill will be on tenterhooks, so here we go. She’s finnished her husband. There, that’s better.
  5. Maybe they’re on the same dial-up as Longtime Admirer?
  6. You wouldn’t like Renton when he’s angry Oops! NSFW obvs.
  7. I did History to degree level- I wouldn’t sign my worst enemy’s name to that risible attempt at validation
  8. Fair play to you for actually reading it. I just figured it was absurd nonsense and saved myself a crucial 2-3 minutes (?)
  9. Is that the same Daz Sampson that took the job of managing Bhutan Premier League side Phuentsholing FC?
  10. “When you instructed Northumbrian Water to put LSD in their water supply, what were the amounts you requested?” ” Fuck them up for generations.” ” Fair do. Carry on. “
  11. Did they invite the other Thundercats to the wedding?
  12. I propose a thread title change to Blartovision. All those in favour say “ deux pointes”
  13. That’s 69 more than there have been days so far in 2023. But it’s not the guns that are the problem…
  14. No crisis here mate- I’ve always been in the gutter.
  15. There’ll be a large number of them not allowed to use t’interweb as part of their parole conditions. Or join the RSPB.
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