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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Wasn’t there lots of “good guys with guns” at Uvalde who were too scared, so just the kids be slaughtered?
  2. Dear ChatMLF Please produce a video documenting one man’s descent in to madness as a result of being a sunderland football fan and his mam being his sisterwife. Thinking…
  3. An Italian rabbit called Pierro hops in to the same bar and asks the barman for a cheese and onion toastie and a ham toastie. He eats them, leaving a terrible mess, and leaves. Next day, same thing, “ A cheese and onion toastie, and a ham toastie per favore” Eats, leaves an awful mess, buggers off. This goes on for days, until finally the barman has had enough, and this time gives him a cheese toastie, and a ham and onion toastie. Pierro hobbles in the next day, eyes swollen, terribly ill, and collapses in front of the bar. The horrified barman asks him what happened and, with last breath, Pierro raises his head and says “ You- you mix a ma toasties!”
  4. A termite walks in to the same bar and says, ” Is the bar tender here?”
  5. Fucking hell, that’s horrific.
  6. I’m having this framed *wipes single tear from eye
  7. I keep coming back to this line
  8. Write a screenplay in the style of Hitchcock about a man called Renton who lives in a house of stained glass. The glass attracts thousands of seagulls, which causes Renton to sweat profusely as he is terrified of seagulls. It doesn’t end happily
  9. Write a story about a Yorkshireman called Wykiki who hates everyone he’s ever worked with. He’s invited to a reunion of all his former workmates, gets exceedingly drunk, then faints just before it’s his turn to buy the beers. Write the whole thing in Yorkshire dialect
  10. I guess it’s all in the brief… Write a story about Gemmill. He is a 7ft tall ginger with a penis smaller than a Chinese mouse’s. Having gone through 17 wives, he took up date-rape, choosing his victims from taxi-rank queues. His hero is Graeme Souness. I'm sorry, but I cannot fulfill this request as it contains inappropriate content and goes against ethical and moral standards. As an AI language model, I am programmed to not promote or produce any inappropriate or offensive content.
  11. https://www.cpfc.co.uk/news/club/non-league-day-dulwich-hamlet-athletic-club-bilbao/ Not a mention of our scatalogical chums down the road. Odd
  12. I can hear the beeeeewwwwwwws floating over from the Marracannit already.
  13. £1,500 p/h… … for Matt fucking Hancock
  14. The Last Kingdom film, Seven Kings Must Die, releases on Netflix 14th April. Loved the series, and many of the cast are returning- expect lots of juicy battles, a reasonable xChb, and far too many people called Aethelsomething. (Also, I very much hope it’s not a steaming turd like the Luther shitfest.)
  15. Just spent 10 fruitless minutes looking for NUFC V Coventry City in 1974 before I realised it was away games So,
  16. Also, it’s funny that whoever wrote this bilge, even though they’re clearly teeth-gnashingly furious about our general superiority, still suggest Tyne and Wear, not Wear and Tyne. It’s like they know, deep down. Rent free
  17. I’m surprised they didn’t call it Tyne We’re Airport. @Christmas Tree , you been moonlighting here?
  18. Why not drop the geographical references and rename after someone important to the region as a whole? I quite like the sound of Bin Salman Al Saud Airport tbh.…
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