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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. You should add Led Zep III too, with the “interactive” cover.
  2. When I moved in to Fist Hall, I found a box of old vinyl in the attic. Most of it was absolute shite, but there was a pristine 1967/68 2nd pressing of Sgt. Peppers, with all the cutout cards and everything. I asked the previous owner if they wanted it but they weren’t bothered. This also came with Mrs. Fist as part of her dowry
  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/16-month-old-boy-dies-gunshot-wound-indiana-apartment-rcna77153 Ffs.
  4. I’m surprised he’s still on MOTD if that’s true.…
  5. Can’t say it’s ever put me off my stroke tbh.
  6. Have they discovered the joys of “unboxing” videos? My lad had a minor obsession with them when he was younger- some fucking jellyhead yanks opening wrapped presents or bags of fucking toys. (I showed him how to skip to the end, which seemed to get him weaned off them ).
  7. You just transcribed one of his videos, you big cheater!
  8. Those three Morlocks staring at the bloke with a job.
  9. Why have you photoshopped the shitters out?
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