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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This was 89/90. We used to go to the Royal Park pub to score, it was like a Wild West saloon then.
  2. Pelanty! ( Who’s the fucking giant silhouetted in the background? ).
  3. Time is, like, an abstract concept dude, free yourself from its constraints man.
  4. I’ve been edging the Mrs for years, so she tells me… … repeatedly.
  5. Out of 5 names, he’s managed to spell three of them wrong.
  6. “Lambrini- Shall we empty the bin in the shitter before they tak the magic paintings?” ” Ah daint care our Asamoah, I just want another soft toy”
  7. If I was a tattooist, I’d offer it for free if he could say “ Round the ragged rocks, the ragged rascal ran.”
  8. Every man has his price. His is £260p/h to spout shite on GB News. Cheap twat.
  9. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-65128383 Wonder how many games they’ll give him between now and clink?
  10. I’m sure I’ve told the tale of my “ One of These Days” trip, but it’s worth retelling. So, staying at my mate’s student digs in Hyde Park in Leeds. We take our dose and wait. Sooner than I thought I found myself stood, staring at some traffic lights, letting the raindrops (it was Leeds, course it was raining) hit my open eyes and freaking out at the amazing light show only I could see After wandering about for fuck knows how long, when the streetlights on the other side of the valley spelt out “FUCK OFF!” we decided to head back to his digs. On went Floyd, off I went. At first I was regular me, but flying horizontallly at about 100ft, and at supersonic speed. Every hit of bass on the record corresponded with some “space energy rays, maaan” hitting me and making me grow By the time I got to the North Pole,( for that was indeed my destination), I was pure energy and about 3 miles tall. I was floating above the Pole and could see Europe and Africa, and was still getting laced by space rays. Fucking mint tbh, and as I said, this bit felt like it lasted for hours but the songs only 5 minutes long. ( I was going to say “Imagine I looked like Dr. Manhattan, then realised not everyone is The Fish, so looked for a pic… I found the one below which, if I’m honest, is so accurate to what I experienced that its freaked me out a bit, as the trip I’m talking about was sometime in 1989 or 1990, way before t’interweb and that. ) Song ended, I opened my eyes, and I was back in a student hovel, regular sized, no space rays.
  11. Is that your username on Metectorist.com ?
  12. First time I took acid I had this on Felt like it was an hour long, but it’s only 6 minutes.
  13. At least he’s improved his chance of scoring.
  14. I mean, they’re still alive when I put them in the bags, so…
  15. @Renton Here’s a one-eyed Shitehawk I just saw whilst having a break In Rothbury. That’s his missing eye you can’t see there.
  16. I have renounced my team, hometown, and the capitalist system that got us to this point, become a Buddhist monk, moved to Bhutan, and am currently working on a natural cure for cancer. Marra. FTM.
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