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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. How else am I meant to keep my hookers fresh?
  2. This is the southbound approach to Gosforth High St. The “cycle lane” is shared by buses and taxis, I.E. the two prime examples of radge bastards in charge of a vehicle, not to mention the size of buses.
  3. Do you have a go-pro on? It’s now law that you must not pass vulnerable road users at a distance less than 2m. https://www.highwaycodeuk.co.uk/using-the-road-overtaking.html
  4. People mistake the speed limits as an instruction to drive at that speed, as opposed to a maximum that you should be doing. Road conditions, weather, visibility, other road users are all variables that should reduce that speed … if you’re not a wankpanzer kommandant.
  5. Aye, and he’s asking what you call a Chinese lass with a Kenwood Chef on her head. Then he’s telling you. I never said he was Chinese. DO YOU THINK THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME????? Leported So, a snake walks in to a bar and the barman says, ” How’d you do that?”
  6. What do you call a Chinese lass with a Kenwood Chef on her head? wibble.
  7. Dyslexia isn’t somehting to joek abuot.
  8. Piracy has caused the price of wheat to spiral across the Caribbean. It’s a buck an ear.
  9. I can’t believe you’ve done this, you utter Basseterre’d.
  10. I made a killing flogging dodgy payment protection plans to the fine citizens of Trenchtown. PPI rates of the Caribbean
  11. I hope you feel suitably high levels of self loathing for this one.
  12. I took a pair of pants to a tailor in Jamaica and said, ” Eumenides?” He said, ” Fuck off mate, wrong joke.”
  13. At least Moat/Fop delayed the advent of the outdoor sofa by 10 years or so.
  14. I started a price comparison website for savoury baked goods in Jamaica. Pierates of the Caribbean
  15. Battle of Hebden Bridge? Its that one when the new CUNT of an Accounts manager cut-in on Wykiki as he was preparing to cycle over…
  16. It’s pure, unadulterated, houseism, is what it is.
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