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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’m picturing a few years down the line, Damian Knobfromage, world famous live-streamer and influencer, walking down the street in his home town of Chalfont Saint Fucking Peter, utter chaos and panic playing out in the background as the population of 63 desperately tries to evacuate from the incoming meteor that the NATIONAL FUCKING ALERT SYSTEM has told them is about to destroy their fucking village, and he’s blithely waffling on and asking “you guys” not to forget to like and hit that subscribe button, utterly unaware of what’s about to turn him in to well-done brisket because he disabled the notifications on it. Sorry @wykikitoon, I seem to have briefly become you. On reflection, maybe it’s not a bad idea having that option, after all
  2. So, this govt alert text thing tomorrow- I know it’s been mentioned somewhere already but I can’t be arsed looking for it. If everyone knows it’s going off at 3pm tomorrow, then fair enough, let it go off for 10-30 seconds or whatever, then just crack on. I’m sure if you’re under the age of 30 or so, you get a ping on your phone every 10 seconds anyway telling you some Kardashian has just had a shite, or Taylor Swift’s minge has auto-sealed itself or whatever. What is the point of a national alert system if you can just disable the fucking thing? What am I missing here?
  3. I’m going to accept that I’m talking out of my hoop re. Keegan and his distaste to a statue, as I can’t find anything confirming it despite having a 5th Dan in google fu.
  4. It speaks to the longevity of his career that my first impressions of Dame Edna, as a kid, were “ He’s just a bloke in a dress”. Only later did I see how he was utterly, hilariously, ruthless in shooting down pretentiousness and that he was a supreme satirist. Same for Les Patterson. It’s the fact that he had the same act for decades, and it never got old. RIP Possum.
  5. Well done * checks notes, Stirling Albion ( which I’ve always thought was a strange choice of name for a Scotch club, but hey…).
  6. Can’t really disagree with this, although, and I’m probably talking shite, I have a vague recollection that KK has made his distaste for a statue quite clear? Have I just pulled this out my arse?
  7. Ageism. Exhumed and reported
  8. Never say "no" to adventures. Always say "yes", otherwise you'll lead a very dull life. Also, You'll find a slight squeeze on the hooter an excellent safety precaution, Miss Scrumptious, even if you are “de rigor”.
  9. It’s 4am, all is quiet in the Gasthof von Pisskopf am München. Suddenly, in room 101, a sleeping body stirs, the gentle, imperceptible voice of the beer calling him irresistibly to the lobby.
  10. He was a fucking beast but had the touch of a magician. First goal (7:00) he piggy-backed their lad 5yds before fucking him off. Beast. Second, ( 10:20) after a pinpoint pass from Hibbitt, superb touch to put it away. Magician. Some of the play in this second half from us is absolutely top drawer.
  11. I’d rattle through her underskirts, tout de suite.
  12. I was about to post this myself- I don’t dislike any of them tbh. If I was forced to pick one for a comeback, it’d be the first one.
  13. If those tiresome cunts ever actually wore that, it would be the football equivalent of Single White Female.
  14. Biggest pair of tits in punditry. NSFW, obvs.
  15. Phstevie will have sent them a link to his world famous interview following our 4-4 against them.
  16. They’d have had no problem hearing it.
  17. Most of that will have gone on bungabunga parties for their former DoF though.
  18. Have these spitfire-making tits not won yet? Howay man, ffs, crack on you buftys.
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