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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’ve just watched Starmer’s arrival at No. 10 and his speech. 
    ( on a bit of a delay due it being Ms. Fist’s birthday today). 

    I got a wee bit emotional if I’m honest, thinking about the choices my Dad had to make at the end of his life, whilst Johnson and Sunak partied. 
    Very likely sleep-deprivation kicking in too, 


    Off for a wee kip, then birthday/victory party later. 


    • Like 6
  2. Leaving aside the deathly dull analysis of whether winning 412+ seats in a whopping landslide is a good or bad result for Labour ( ffs!) my thoughts this morning are so much more optimistic than a year ago. 

    Just having an incoming Government that isn’t filled with privately educated, self serving cunts, led by wankers who thought the rules they came up with didn’t apply to them. 

    Having politicians committed to improving the actual things that impact the QoL of most of us, instead of thinking that sending a few unfortunates to Rwanda is what we need. 

    I’m looking forward to seeing some dull, functional and practical politics over the next few years, instead of the fucking clownshoes we’ve had. 

    • Like 6
  3. 6 minutes ago, Toonpack said:

    I see Mrs Sunak has dressed ready to escort Rishi over the Atlantic.



    RTG in meltdown at yet another Magedia intrusion 

    • Haha 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, Kid Dynamite said:

    That's the hope

    What are the chances of Farage surviving a second plane crash, do we think? 

    Wouldn’t that be a shame. :lol:

  5. It’ll be  nice to have a PM that isn’t an instant embarrassment when meeting other leaders from Europe and elsewhere. 

    I’ll be intrigued to see how SKS deals with whichever dementia riddled old fool wins in the US. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Sharp said:


    Dear me ,  we seem to have  a nacker whome can see into ones minds indeed? how very charming... your first 3 letters of your usename tells me exactly what you are 

    Have you just come over on a boat? 


    Speakee da English???

  7. 10 minutes ago, Sharp said:

    I would if the banter was canny but it seems a bit defensive and one sided so i  am offering the alternative view point..


    6 minutes ago, Kid Dynamite said:

    You're not in sixth form. Most of us are in our 40s and 50s and have well established opinions. We don't need alternative view points, and if we did, we wouldn't get them from a thicket like you 

    It wouldn’t be Toontastic unless some fucking random poster had a few too many and outed themselves as a racist and thicker than shit soup, would it? 

    Sharp, you’re not from the West Midlands by any chance, are you? 

    • Haha 3
  8. 2 minutes ago, Gemmill said:

    Truss coming soon. I've had one hour sleep and I've got some daft cunt coming out to install a smart meter this morning. 


    He rang last night to let me know he was coming and he clearly has some..... issues. Ten minutes later the phone goes again and it's him again repeating the exact conversation we just had.


    I goes "Mate, I've just spoken to you. Are you still coming here first thing". 


    Full of apologies. :lol:


    But aye, I've got that to look forward to. Smart meter installed upside down is probably the best I can hope for. 

    You have to answer the door in a vest and pair of kegs, preferably with some food stains down the front. 

    Don’t even acknowledge your appearance, just let the bloke in and twitch occasionally. 

    • Haha 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, PaddockLad said:

    I’ve voted since 1991 (missed 1987 by only being 17.5) and this is the first time the party I voted for has won the General Election :) 

    Nice feeling, isn’t it? 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Sharp said:

    i am top dalek pal,  the silver one a  the front, you will have seen iz in the dressing room photos

    Shall I switch off your account until you sober up mate? 


  11. Of all the little moments of joy through tonight, seeing Kuennsberg as bitter as a dumped and divorced bingo-wing wife is glorious. 


    She’s fucking hating her job :lol:

    • Haha 5
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