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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. In the first half hour it looked like we might have a game on our hands, but we are just relentless and the Beige wilted faster than CT’s cock on Newquay beach. It was then a matter of numbers- how many can we put past these cunts? I hope Dick can improve the Midland’s third largest club, as it’ll make it all the sweeter when we paste them again.
  2. I think it’s a mean of you to single out their keeper. I fucking despise all of them.
  3. Wait until you get the quotes from the venues
  4. Proper horny Wench. It’s the blue eye shadow that does it
  5. Madame Gazelle is a proper French minx.
  6. ASM thought that about Newcastle, just sayin’ Sheila.
  7. Unclear - are you checking the kids in there or yourself? Either way, win.
  8. And that’s all I have to say about that, Bubba
  9. Last I heard the meth heads had taken over the creche.
  10. Aah, but you have found a Blue Badge holding chauffeur to drive you here yet?
  11. Not only are Bibby a pack of cunts, the other two main beneficiaries of this are the port owners, Langham Industries, who were major donators to UKIP, and Aussie company Corporate Travel Management, who will run the thing, when they’re not setting up empty offices around the world to give the impression they’re more of a global company they really are. https://corporatewatch.org/floating-prisons-the-200-year-old-family-business-behind-the-bibby-stockholm/ There’s a strong whiff of brown paper bags and general Toryishness about this.
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