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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I’ve just started a gofundme for Luton’s war memorial if anyone wants to contribute?
  2. You ever tried digging a hole with your hands tied behind your back? Training < Experience.
  3. Dead hookers don’t bury themselves.
  4. Moves to Scotland, gets a Tory. Unlucky!
  5. Aye, he’s quite well known in the podcast community- Dupa Deedoo.
  6. Aye, but Eddie isn’t trying to bang their lasses, soooo…
  7. I wouldn’t even let a mackem work there.
  8. Left mate- too many egos in a 10 piece band.
  9. It would give a whole new meaning to some of their songs
  10. Faced even less for throwing the entire fucking country in the rubbish bin to keep his anti-europe chums happy.
  11. 3-1 after going behind to a ropey Pelanty. Tindall to play as a traditional no9.
  12. To be expected tbh- they grew up within a seagull jizz shot of each other.
  13. Sweden’s owld boiler wins. Just a thought- if Benny and Björn had been called Sven and Dolph, we’d be looking at a whole different history of Eurovision
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