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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Ffs man Rayvin, we NEVER actually answer one of CT’s “can’t be arsed to google “ questions. Many years of of this have shown it’s like giving crack to an addict. General chat will be full of “ Hi Guys, Mrs. Bought Three Ply, But It Hurts My Bum-Bum, Anyone Know of a Solution? “
  2. Rod Hull agrees with this method.
  3. The numbers are skewed, since so many of them supported the Nonces as kids… … *coughs* Jackie Milburn, marra.
  4. When you sat on it after getting in from the Gate, did any piss leak from your nappy?
  5. Still looking fine I’d be like burglar in a Greggs, smashing pasties like it was going out of fashion.
  6. You know Ashington is/was about 60/40 split between us and the Morlocks ? Sliding door and that.
  7. I’m not touching this one, lesson learned. ( Do you SEE THIS GEMMILL????? ).
  8. Is this why you’re a Newcastle fan? You realise how close you came to a very different outcome, don’t you, Marra?
  9. If they had the slightest modicum of self-respect, they should’ve said “ The UK is a shithole”
  10. They were both supremely talented, stroppy fuckers. Robert scored some fucking screamers, and was fond of a mazy run past 5-6 opponents. Ginola scored some fucking screamers, and was fond of a mazy run past 5-6 opponents. Only one was good enough for L’Oreal.
  11. I’ve never liked Everton- I’ve always thought they were the antithesis of why I love Newcastle. They’re not exciting to watch, they’ve never had a distinct style ( not one that you’d want to shout about), and they’ve always struck me as fucking whingers , in a city fucking full of them. But the moment “not like” went to “fucking despise” was that game under Robson, when that cunt Graveson nearly snapped Bernard’s leg, then they carried on playing and got a Pelanty that blew our hopes of the title. Absolute cunt behaviour. I fucking hate them. When Big Dunc signed for us I was lukewarm tbh ( although that sharp changed ), because I thought anyone who those cunts idolise must be a cunt himself. So, aye, fuck them, I hope they go in to a fucking spiral and do a sunderland.
  12. Whether he’s been there or not, he definitely wrote the blurb for it’s website.
  13. Martin Amis, the writer. Pegged it at 73. I read a couple of his books in the 1990s, but I can’t even remember what they were- he just wasn’t my cup of tea. Which isn’t to say he wasn’t a great author, but … if he can’t hook the Fist, might as well sign out.
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