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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. is it just me or does Kumburgaz sound like a dodgy kebab shop?
  2. just seen Deathhproof for 1st time. 20 mins in is a big " didn't see that coming " moment. Liked the Vanishing Point references . Still, total Cheese in a highly enjoyable way.
  3. Reacting swiftly to Kinnear's collapse, the diminutive Owen checked his big toe for a pulse.
  4. Man City ----- classless,clueless tits Villa---- no real reason, just always hated them mackems---- mackems
  5. Cheers. looks like a lively bunch. been reading a few older posts and having a chortle.
  6. Grinning like a redneck in Argos. Didn't expect much out of tonight, but to end the night 3 points to the good, decent performances all round,and looking down on the filth-mongers from down the road......... first post so excuse the overkill on smileys
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