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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Brittany with little 'un. 1st time abroad for nipper.
  2. You'll catch your feckin death coat is on........
  3. Several nails being hit squarely on the head , tbh. depressing stuff indeed.
  4. Spotted in Fenwicks a couple of weeks ago- he's training with us as North Pole F.C. realeased him.
  5. The last one of these three is another cracker. sadly, can't see us competing for the likes of him at the moment. How old is he btw?
  6. BBC news site say he was 50 yr old. hung from the coast road at churchill St. RIP
  7. He only does em when he scores- not really a fitness threat then he's got 6 goals in 13... hardly a bad return. hope he doesn't go really like oba think he'd get more goals if our midfield wasn't so shite and all It just feels like a lot fewer! agree tho, hope he stays
  8. He only does em when he scores- not really a fitness threat then
  9. Ideal world, but mind games are part and parcel of top management nowadays that's us fucked then- not an ounce of grey matter on our staff
  10. imagine the fat basser listening to House of Pain......... jump jump jump Cause a bliddy earthquake Calling him a fat bastard too now. Fuckin hell man, Ant's taking a kicking here today.
  11. imagine the fat basser listening to House of Pain......... jump jump jump Cause a bliddy earthquake
  12. Fat man on a diet don't try it!*listens to house of pain* Cypress Hill? 'tis they
  13. I don't think he is a better defender than Enrique and if we are looking at someone who used to smash the ball in from 30 yards ever now and then lets re-sign Robert. joni mitchell-big yellow taxi
  14. Just by looking at the pair of them , it's not too difficult to say they aren't the healthiest eaters. If the guy does the exercise he claims too( drag the dog about etc), then he really is shovelling in the cakes to still be this massive. He has a choice- loose weight or remain childless. Get on a diet fatty
  15. Push yourself over the edge, watch the Beardsley and Shearer ones next That's just evil-have a word with yourself
  16. anyone ever snapped their banjo string?
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