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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What boils my piss is that 90% of those responsible for the shit state we're in have either already gone, or will be dust on the horizon if/when we do drop, leaving us daft bastards licking our wounds and kicking the dog. WANKERS ALL! rant over - piss still scalding
  2. We didn't expect anything different though. It's the lack of fight in the second half that disappointed me. This...... all fuckin season
  3. then glue his cock to his hand- far easier than any spunky pencil arse shoving carry on.
  4. I have become less rigid with age. that's all
  5. What do you call an epileptic cowboy? Tex Fitz! Ithangyew
  6. Have to disagree Noelie. We are still shite just not as shite for as long. You can't polish a turd. Course you can, you just have to cover it with a lacquer once it hardens.
  7. Hmmmmmmmmm,......... now there's a puzzler
  8. http://www.colintheowl.com/things/hollywoodremakes.html
  9. How dare they ,the burger munching philistines. I will burn down any cinema that shows it
  10. Happy St.geo......... Sorry wrong thread Happy Birthday.
  11. just need to get a mate back from when he put a stick bomb in me jacket pocket last week Has your mate got a sister? ...............
  12. Well fuck me!!!!!!! Shearer is a Gonzo Gaffer!
  13. I think that's what he meant by "read my book". I should have said "masturbate furiously in the bushes" to be clear really. Bit off topic- is your avatar you? If so mate, your the spit of this venerable chap....
  14. I'm preparing for the worst, whilst still hanging on to the decreasing hope we might just pull it out of the bag.
  15. You eloquent fucker Stevie! Mind,you're 100% spot on.
  16. Can't wait till my next bit of "reading". Sticky pages
  17. Had a very enjoyable hour "reading" at lunchtime at Northumbria Uni Campus- Monumentits!
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