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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Cakes candles and coke. All the best
  2. She sounds like a very accommodating woman. we have 5 lovely daughters
  3. Mrs Fist bought me some Clinique Happy for Men. It's more gay than a bus load of Dale Wintons on a day trip to Dolly Parton World. Still wear it mind, smells ok.
  4. quality. I think I might have leaked.
  5. Sorry TR. Thank you sweetie. Lost my little brother nearly 2 years ago. The most innocuous things still sometimes catch me unawares. Nowt to be ashamed of if you shed a tear now and then. Days like today and birthdays can be tough at first,but the old cliché of thinking about happy memories does actually work. Keep on keeping on TR.
  6. Thats Buzzcocks Mr.Mag. It is of course a piss take- top stuff. Check his window cleaning video.
  7. not really down, just fancied a look at some skeetatch
  8. Bump(s) need cheering up- this thread always does it
  9. Agreed. FFS is as we speak trying to remember what he forgot in those heady days. this.......... ah well, better the devil you know. Given up any chance of a rich knight in filthy lucre riding to the rescue.
  10. The one who wrote the stop smoking book is. of lung cancer I believe...... oh the irony
  11. Beef Mince Onion flour beef stock Brown mince and onion, dust with flour, add stock,(you can add a touch of ale here if you want),simmer Flour Suet Seasoning Parsley Combine the flour and suet( eg 150g flour,50g suet) season add fresh chopped parsley add water until you have a dryish dough. roll into balls put the mince in a casserole, add the dumplings, cook for about 30 mins until dumplings have cooked eat be happy. ( and not a microwave in sight )
  12. Run me through this. Mince+ Dumplings+ Gravy= Bliss or do you want the recipe?
  13. Mince & Dumplings is the fail safe bait for me. Never had or made a bad one. I like all the modern cooking- ramen noodles a favourite. But mince & dumplings...... Mmmmmmm
  14. Tricky game to play with your fingers up your sister.
  15. It's going to be another round of the Joe Fucking Kinnear comedy football show, isn't it?
  16. Pathetic. Try before you cry Microwaving fucking rice!!!! Sweet chilli sauce....Honestly don't know where to begin. Mummies boy cooking is probably the book this should go in. The 12 minute part is the clue- never said it was gourmet
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