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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Lets get this set straight Newinsider eh? The build quality of the SOS is pitiful- SBR's point about the oak doors was funny, but the point he was making is true- our ground was built properly, with good materials, by proper builders. The SOS was thrown up using cheap tat, by cowboy subbies. As for SJP being "unsymmetrical".......... ............. since when has has that been the criteria of a "good" ground? I'll tell you- post Sky. As you seem to use this as your main critisism of SJP, we can only assume you are a post Sky JCL bandwagon jumper. Have a close look at your flatpack ground- it isn't symmetrical either- therefore by your own argument, its shit. When I walk out of SJP, I have the choice of more than 20 pubs within less than 5 minutes walk. SOS has....... a big ugly swimming pool built on the unnecessarily large carpark, a ropey cafe(Joan's) and even ropier bar (That dump by the roundabout). Don't try to compare the two grounds mate, there is no comparison.
  2. They mentioned a fake one and I asked for one that flashed colours when you squeezed it, I got a right bollocking (excuse the pun) for not taking cancer seriously, but it was my way of dealing with it it was sewn in place but I ripped it free when I went snowboarding and came up short doing a backside 360, now it wanders round of its own accord, which can be highly amusing in the bedroom, you really can get your back wheels in Quality!
  3. Monkeys Fist

    Top Fives

    The Bridge Hotel ( the one at the end of the High level)sells em
  4. Monkeys Fist

    Top Fives

    Crisps; Seabrooks canadian ham, Twiglets, Mcoys steak, Onion rings- various , Brannigans beef and mustard. Films; Raging Bull, Gladiator, Perfume- story of a murder, Kelly's Heroes, Naked (Mike Leigh). Words: Effervescent, Gusset, Longitudinal, Bugger, Pint.
  5. You've confused the poor lad now Stevie, he can't see how a rock band is relevant to this thread. Bless
  6. Dude, I get that shit off and on when we're going through launches and other interesting stuff here at work. Good news is, other people can't see it. Bad news is, you still feel a bit like... EVERY DAY... IN EVERY WAY... I'M GETTING BETTER, AND BETTER. Work related stuff makes your Japper twitch? You need a break mate.
  7. Didn't think there was a decent one tbh.
  8. Nope thats not his son Thats Steve Hastie of the NUSC, from the moment SBR met him he was saying "dont I know you?" and Steves saying "no, dont think so" just as hes being wheeled into the hospital after the photoshoot he shouts to stop and beckons Steve over, "I know where I know you from" he says ........ "you're the spit of Eric Gates" :lol: :icon_lol: Oh the Shame
  9. Got a Coen Bros 4 pack at th e weekend- just watched Blood Simple. not three bad
  10. Happy Birthday Hog, whenever it may from a cunting newby
  11. He didnt score did he? You ARE taking the Mick, aren't you? Only one of the best goals scored in an England shirt.
  12. Wild West pinball- free backgammon- free Tiki Towers- 59p
  13. :icon_lol:Who told you , Tiny ?
  14. Monkeys Fist


    Happy Birthday mate All the best folk are born 10/07 !
  15. According to Onion World Magazine, Hughton is THE man to go to with Alium problems.
  16. Poor bloke, left with 4 nippers too. Mind,whenever I see his name, THAT goal from Euro 96 springs to mind.
  17. Love the Evil Monkey Cheers Chaps and Chapesses. Having a post graft pint right now.
  18. ......in One Night At McCools to the power of ten. That's all. (cleans tv screen)
  19. Dick Kelly, all I need is an address and I'd be happy to. I've had a tetanus, so should be ok crossing into The Land of Sister Fuckers for a short time.
  20. As is piss..... Odd that.
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