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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The view from the other side is known locally as the "Pied de Chameau"
  2. The Central tunnel is magnifique.
  3. I think a simple " Taxi for Fat Twat" would suffice.
  4. The Verdon Gorge, south east of Provence is one location used several times by Top Gear. If he wants to take in the Millau Viaduct too, driving from Calais, I would recommend coming down through the Parc des Volcanes(Clermont Ferrand area), then drive through the Cevennes to Provence. From the Verdon Gorge, the Riviera is an hour south, or you can head east towards the Dolomites then up thru the Alps. Whichever route, it's a cracking drive( on 2 wheels for the win mind).
  5. See Soccermom, she might swing both ways.
  6. You have passed the practice citizenship test. Questions answered correctly: 18 out of 24 (75%) Time taken: 03 minutes 56 seconds guesswork mainly.
  7. The visual impact of a mass boycott would make good/bad press, but since most seats are pre-paid S/Ts the financial effect on his pocket would be negligible. As has been suggested in a previous thread, I think the best way to hit him in the pocket is via his other businesses. Bad press about Sports Direct, working conditions, buying practices, etc will hit him. Organised boycotts and pickets of the shops, etc. As ever, don't buy the food/drink/official programme at the match.
  8. "If the team can be seen to be making progress, then the fans will be happier and Newcastle will be far more viable as a selling proposition" Oh will we, now?
  9. FWIW I qwould like to see the 1st half given over to a vocal tribute to SBR. 2nd mind tear into the Fat Fucker.
  10. On a job at the moment where the Latchway engineer is the spit of JFK. Ironically he's also a total cowboy and shit at his job.
  11. Patrick Stewart looks like my mate.
  12. Farewell to an Absolute Gent. Agree with Craigs comments about Memorial service at SJP, but not sure if this would conflict with any religious belief Sir Bobby had, if any? If SJP is not possible, Durham is magnificent. I'm sure we'll make our first home game an unofficial Memorial to the man anyway.
  13. Drink, wank/shag, drink, wank/shag, etc, etc
  14. It's our dreams, being blown away.
  15. Monkeys Fist


    Filthy birthday Jimbo. The Clunge is out in force in Brum in your honour.
  16. In Brum this week. Tis a breast fest of gargantuan mammaries of every colour available. Gig-Giggedee-Goo!!!!
  17. Lads from N.O are discussing over that. That'll be interesting.
  18. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his tears with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That wept with us upon Sir Bobby's day. Amended slighly but.... Goodbye Sir Bobby, we were privileged indeed to have you.
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