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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I am running my own business, happy in my marriage, proud beyond words of my young daughter, and feel in control of my own life. Therfore I am rich.
  2. Summer Breeze- Isley Bros. Sitting outside hotel bar in Bristol, soaking up evening sun, perving at the hippy poontang. ...... And getting paid for it! Result.
  3. Would be a great move if he signed. Also, it would mean Douggy B would need boxing gloves and an iron will to stop himself from posting again!
  4. thanks for that delightful mental image.
  5. Chuck Norris eats Van Damme/Seagall for a mid morning snack. Don't fuck with the Chuck.
  6. A goodbye kiss more likely it was for the bird beside Ashley Who, if she has any sense of decency, should be feeling soiled and violated now.
  7. If he did, would have to keep your "Penis" name? I've grown quite attached to it now btw 3 points- 3 goals- Strola on the rampage.
  8. If he did, would have to keep your "Penis" name?
  9. According to the BBC we're already above them by virtue of the fact we've scored more. Niiiice. TBF they only score with kiddies. Coat......…is……on
  10. Shola!! fenham pele wonderland cheeky bastards!
  11. Will another goal put us above the Smogs on GD?
  12. Only seventeen more and we have our 20 goal a season man. I am speechless.
  13. Barman, a pint of what that big black gangly Twat is drinking please
  14. Is it my raddled brain playing tricks, or has he had a hat trick for us before? ( I know, I know )
  15. Well, 2 from Pele. I do believe I will have eat my own head in disbelief. C'mon!
  16. Edgy 2-1 to Mags. Carroll & Ranger. And before anyone starts...... I know! Ashley can destroy my club but not my dreams. Cunt
  17. Get Dutty Custard on from the start instead of Strola. God knows he's gonna need the experience( if we don't sell the fucker that is ).
  18. What happens if Big Mike dies? Does his kid get the club? He better not have left it to Dennis Wise. some poor fecker has a very very large hole to dig.
  19. Of course you are the only ones who care about Newcastle because you spend your lives at your computer typing drivel on messageboars - I drop into these forums every so often to see if anything interesting is being said but very rarely contribute because I don't feel I need to - despite not contributing I have "died a thousand deaths" same as you lot on most days of the 40 years I have been going to SJP as has my dad who has been going 60 years and my mates and my brothers who have been going 20 / 30 or 40 years same as me but they don't access the messageboards at all (so obviously aren't "real" fans and aren't that bothered about Newcastle) - difference is we don't need these message boards in our lives because we actually get out of houses and talk to real people about the comings & goings at Newcastle - look out of your windows and you will see some of these real people walking past Get a life lads you aren't the only ones who are real fans You out the house when you posted this? Read the post properly muppet - I drop in every now and again, I don't spend ALL or even a large percentage of my time on these forums the way some people do judging by the number of posts that they put on but I do spend time in my house and a little bit of that time is spent on the computer because I am interested in what is happening at NUFC My point was that not all real fans spend all day on these sort of forums but the ones on the forums now seem to consider themselves to be the only real fans (judging by Christmas Tree's post) - ALL Newcastle fans that I know take an active interest in what's happening with the club, some choose to spend their time talking face to face with other Newcastle fans, some choose to take an active role in organisations like NUSC or get involved via the fanzines and others choose to post on forums - the difference between them is how they express their interest, what they have in common is that they want whats best for Newcastle United For someone to come on to a forum and state that "Yes, the majority will go on Saturday, enjoy a pint, enjoy a pie, watch the game and not take much notice of the directors box" is complete bollocks and does a disservice to the ones who go onto forums and post intelligent comments because they get lumped in with the tossers who post shite like Christmas Tree I might pop back in a couple of days to see what sort of abuse I get for questioning that forum posters are the only real fans Ooh, can't wait Kermit. ...... and you call me muppet!
  20. Of course you are the only ones who care about Newcastle because you spend your lives at your computer typing drivel on messageboars - I drop into these forums every so often to see if anything interesting is being said but very rarely contribute because I don't feel I need to - despite not contributing I have "died a thousand deaths" same as you lot on most days of the 40 years I have been going to SJP as has my dad who has been going 60 years and my mates and my brothers who have been going 20 / 30 or 40 years same as me but they don't access the messageboards at all (so obviously aren't "real" fans and aren't that bothered about Newcastle) - difference is we don't need these message boards in our lives because we actually get out of houses and talk to real people about the comings & goings at Newcastle - look out of your windows and you will see some of these real people walking past Get a life lads you aren't the only ones who are real fans You out the house when you posted this?
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