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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I think he has a bit longer than that - its affecting his typing apparently and some word recognition but he's had the guts to publicise it

    Maybe right, just what i'd heard( from the mate of a sister's partner's dad who knows a bloke......................) ;)

    still, not nice.

  2. As I see it, there are two problems- the Northern Europe culture of getting blitzed,and the strength of the alcohol being sold.

    In France for example,it has had virtually 24 hr opening for years, yet it is a serious social faux-pas to get 'blitzed'. fine to drink steadily over the course of a day, but if you start to get wobbly, it's not seen as a point of weakness to stop drinking alcohol and hit the soft drinks.

    The general strength of beers seems to have gone up, 5% being the standard, whereas when I started going to boozers, 4-4.2% seemed the norm. I know firms are bringing out lower strength versions of popular lagers, but the fact that they're advertising them as such imo means the people who SHOULD be drinking them never will-" ownly for puffs that lite shite man"

    Banning supermarkets from selling beers as loss leaders will do nowt- just start up the Calais Run black market again. ;)

  3. Pratchett recently revealed he has a form of Alzheimers, it is rapid-onset and he's been told he has a year or so at best of 'sanity'. So, he won't be knocking out too many more books.

    Like or loathe him , you've got to have some sympathy for the bloke, it's like a living death sentence.

  4. My fav in Oz was Cooper's. They sell their Sparkling Ale in The Tyne. Their Pale Ale is canny as well. The nicest Pale I've had though (different class to Deuchars and the like) is Goose Island, which is actually an American beer. That Sierra Nevada stuff is good as well but not quite as nice as Goose Island. It's hard to get though. Safeways used to sell it.

    The Magus in there is a canny session ale.

  5. I'm sick to the back teeth of telling people why appointing Shearer would be such a suicidal move. Lets get taken over, get him in and back him to the hilt with cash. If he's mint then fine, if not then we'll just have to run the new owner out of town when he tries to get rid :(

    Agreed. If he turned out to be the next Ferguson i'd happily eat pie of humbleness.... just think it's a bloody big gamble to take.

    He isn't saying that though.

    ok :(

    I am tho ...but ....like ;)

  6. I'm sick to the back teeth of telling people why appointing Shearer would be such a suicidal move. Lets get taken over, get him in and back him to the hilt with cash. If he's mint then fine, if not then we'll just have to run the new owner out of town when he tries to get rid :(

    Agreed. If he turned out to be the next Ferguson i'd happily eat pie of humbleness.... just think it's a bloody big gamble to take.

  7. Ranking that shower of shit is like ranking your 5 least favourite meals.


    For me:


    1, Dog shit on toast (Souness)

    2, Spunk wrap (Guillet)

    3, Used tampon tea loaf (Allardyce)

    4, Anal scappings on ryvita (Roeder)

    5, Knob cheese sarny (Dalglish)


  8. At some point in the future Shearer may be good enough to manage NUFC.

    Until then can we not just have a Proper, experienced gaffer, one who might stay more than 2 weeks.

    I can't really get on this "Shearer for manager" trip. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Especially given the current state of affairs at the club.

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