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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Danny B jealous of the attention the dirty mackems are getting, proper rivalry, something he wouldn't know anything about.


    ha ha, 90% of your lot voted they would rather see us go down than Sunderland? Rivalry? No idea.




    That 90% have probably read your posts on this forum and that alone influenced them, now fuck off and die in a house fire you cunt.

    That's a bit uncalled for.

    What a waste of a house. :angry:

  2. Ashley himself was reportedly seen at White Hart Lane last week watching Tottenham's Uefa Cup game against Dynamo Zagreb.

    Guess that's 2 spuds fans with an unhealthy interest in NUFC then. :angry:

  3. Here's a better video of a UFO in Russia. It looks a little more genuine than the Turkish one. :angry:


    This thing appears to change its shape. Stars, comets, Venus, the ISS and a comp mouse over a piece of black cardboard can be discounted in this one. Is it organic, is it alien, is it man made, is it a solid object?

    Very unusual indeed;


    Russian UFO


    A very simplified translation of the video;


    The footage we are showing was shot recently by a young man and his friends.


    then the kid says

    "At first we thought it was a star and it interested us. it was glowing much brighter then other stars."


    then the narrator says

    "The object stayed in the air for a prolonged time changing shape and color. Only on the third day did they bring a camera and finally captured it. Is this is the best evidence that UFO's exist."


    the kid says

    "We saw it in the same exact place for 3 days. Started filming it on the third day when we finally got our stuff. We found a good spot and started filming."


    narrator says

    "It is a known fact, that the recording was made near a factory that produces pyrotechnics, but the length of the recording and things that happen to this object convince us, that there is nothing like this of terrestrial origin."


    kid says

    "First it was round and it started changing colors. then it changed more into a saucer shaped disc and had a glowing orb next to it. then it broke into several pieces and disappeared then came back. 2 hours later it left and never came back"


    narrator says

    "This video has been studied by many people that study UFOs and they have had a hard time disproving it..."



    It's fireworks innit. <_<

    Yes x3 :(

  4. Notice the daft cunt always ignores my posts, because he knows there's no come back. 50 minutes to kick off and you're still here, how you going to get there from Surrey now? Concorde?


    I'm not going tonight, I am refusing to pay the prices they are charging tonight to watch two reserve teams.


    This is your best chance of not seeing a sell out at WHL tonight Stevie, make the most of it.

    How much they charging ,out of curiosity?

  5. No, It reallydoes mean I can't be arsed with you, mate.

    You're a prick.



    Insults are insults, if they may you feel better, go for it. :rolleyes:


    But I'm still right that a kebab can be badly prepared (as in your example), just as much as a salad can be badly prepared (in my example).


    You clearly don't like that you've argued against (and completely undermined) your own point, but you still have. :outahere:


    Of course you're right B)

    B) Well you're right really, you just didn't realise it till I pointed it out.


    you want onions with that :(

    Are they still legal? :aye:

    you tell me mate, you're the expert. :outahere:
  6. No, It reallydoes mean I can't be arsed with you, mate.

    You're a prick.



    Insults are insults, if they may you feel better, go for it. :aye:


    But I'm still right that a kebab can be badly prepared (as in your example), just as much as a salad can be badly prepared (in my example).


    You clearly don't like that you've argued against (and completely undermined) your own point, but you still have. B)


    Of course you're right B)

    you want onions with that :(

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