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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Tangent Time....

    Anyone read Underworld by Graham Hancock? He has a theory that relatively advanced (Ancient Egypt level of advancement for e.g.)societies existed previous to the last Ice Age, the physical traces of which were submerged by the melt water.

    Good read that covers alot more than I can post here, answers alot of "land Mysteries"

  2. My favourite JFK theory was when the viz implicated 'The King' aka Elvis by placing him at the grassy knoll at the time of the assasination. You probably had to have read it like.


    Many people did report a smell of fried peanut butter & banana sandwiches from that area

  3. Aye, at all points when the shots start, Depository was behind and to the right of the car.

    I've always thought there had to be multiple shooters, and as you say, the last shot seems to come from in front of JFK.

    Given some of the more "leftfield" theories, this one seems fairly plausible to me.

    Multiple eye witnesses reported a smell of gunpowder from the vehicle. If all the shots came from Oswald in the Depository, they wouldn't smell it by the car.

  4. Quantum of Solice


    good honest action flick but Bond is not seeming like Bond these days. Firstly there were no gadgets (which meant no dialogue with Q), no car (he had an Aston at the start but that was in the pre-credits bit only). Hes also lost the quickfire witty comments that Bond is famous for.


    I like Daniel Craig as an actor and as a Bond but somehow I think the writers are trying to make him too realistic and part of the fun of JB (imo) was the fact you'd watch it thinking "aye reet, course you just did that, its obvious that you would jump off a 10 storey building without looking landing on the tail of a plane with your magnetic underpants".

    Are they posh Fanny Magnets? :D

  5. I'm fully prepared to believe there are aliens mooching about this planet, I'm quite sure there are life forms dotted about the universe. I don't believe they crashed in Roswell, I don't believe there's a mass government conspiracy and I don't believe Jim-Bob gets abducted and a probe shoved up his arse. There are much better ways to get information about a creature than buggering it... autopsy for one.


    I'm sure if the little green men had sufficiently mastered a method of interstellar travel they'd have no reason to abduct a creature as ill-evolved as an American.


  6. Going to sleep me, I hope something interesting has happened by the time i wake up.

    So nothing good happened.

    Not getting hammered 5-0 and coming home with a point..... pretty good at the moment.

    Well done the Lads, Given earned several post match Guiness imo

  7. Good interview...could he be throwing his name into the hat?


    I wonder just how good he'd be alongside BigAl but i doubt he would leave SKY now after all these years


    Great guy though

    Sorry mate, he makes my skin crawl whenever i see him :aye:


    Shirley, i can't be the only one to have him down as a 'Blart'


    That mite be the dermititus mate...



    Each to there own fella, i quite like the bloke.

    that's a bit of a rash comment :D

  8. Good interview...could he be throwing his name into the hat?


    I wonder just how good he'd be alongside BigAl but i doubt he would leave SKY now after all these years


    Great guy though

    Sorry mate, he makes my skin crawl whenever i see him :lol:


    Shirley, i can't be the only one to have him down as a 'Blart'

  9. Chez has mentioned this on here before but I think the ancient Britons (which includes the English as well as the 'Celts' in this instance), according to some recent research, would appear to have come from what is now the Basque area of Spain via the Bretons (i.e. Brittany).

    So our Great(x20) Granda's were radgy basque rebels, ready to kick off at the slighest provocation....



    sounds about right :lol:

  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the entire history of this country one of constant immigration and integration?


    Nah, it's was all about sailing round the world and planting the flag wherever they landed and claiming it as their own. But lo and behold that any of the natives of these conquered lands want to come here.

    So no Roman,Vikings,Saxons, Normans etc.

  11. I certainly accept that there is a "price" to what I would call a more free society. As I've said before I've read Muslims defending their opression (my view) of women based on a notion that we have more rape. I don't think theres a correlation there but even if there was I think a happy medium towrads our free society is preferable.


    On the specific notion of an underclass I find it a bit hypocritical for the "elite" to look down on such people to such a degree. Thatcherism especially could not have benefited so many people without the economic "front line" of the unemployed to allow her economic policies to "work". Indeed if there was a miracle cure to make everyone on benefits suddenly get jobs to some degree the economy would be fucked.


    Having said that, like most people, I do find the benefits mentality to be depressing but I'd also argue that the perceived lower standards of morality which you allude to isn't the preserve of the underclass. To some degree the McCann's neglect of their kids is to my mind comparable to the treatment of baby P (tin hat on) in that being "rich" certainly isn't a guarantee of moral rectitude.

    Can't really compare the two.

    But I agree with the point I think you're making-Middle Class parents are so wrapped up in "keeping up" with the other parents, that often their children suffer.

    I know kids who's every minute out of school is taken up with 'activities', half of which they don't actually enjoy doing. Not that the parents would realise this as they are never with the child long enough to find out.

    Birthday parties are a feckin joke now- little to do with the child, everything to do with parents showing off.


    Bugger me, reading this back I should go and buy the Mail :jesuswept:

  12. The only problemToonraider, is that sometime in the not too distant future, we may not have a club to speak of, certainly not one that Shearer would want to take on.

    I share your feelings of him coming and making a balls of it- would be a disaster,as i really do admire the bloke.

  13. Nice bit of fence sitting by Alex BTW.

    Highlight the bits you disagree with by all means.


    You hate the lefties but you have no sympathy for the righties and no one can have a conversation with it getting out of hand.


    And everybodys wrong but everybodies right.


    Pick a side man.

    As though you have to be on the side of either extreme.


    Pick a side.



    Outside.....now :jesuswept:

  14. Give him the job, even if it doesn't work out it will be a weight off the clubs shoulders not having his shadow over the place any more.


    I concur. It's been like having Banquo's ghost hanging around over the past few years.


    Whilst in the past I've said NO to Shearer, I agree now on this basis.

    Who knows, he might be decent.

    As for jfk on a permanent basis.....

    " Come back Oswald, we need your services one more time" :jesuswept:

  15. Iron Man- Downey is funny as hell.CGI pretty good.

    Has standard evil muslim baddies. :jesuswept:

    it also has standard multinational corporation baddies, mercenary baddies and shady organised criminal baddies too.



    ya daft wee racist.

    :lol: could've sworn Islam was a religion, not a race :)

    Jeff Bridges did a 'Corporation Baddy By Numbers' course prior to filming :(

    Watched "Elizabeth The Golden Age" other night.

    Pretty good,but the 1st was the best.

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