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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Come on Stevie I think we both know Fish is top of the pops. J69 would have to be in their somewhere. Fop and Alex probably, Attain deffo, Torres is gone (thank god), not that he was ever knowledgable enough to be annoying anyway. Gemmil comes across as bitter and Gejon a bit snide.


    So really you have to pick out of that lot.

    You come across as self-abusing.


  2. Mark Viduka will make a surprise return from injury for the Magpies in Saturday's Tyne-Tees derby with Middlesbrough. (Various)


    What are the odds on the fat bastard declaring himself injured again before the weekend?

    Friday is BOGOF day at the Pie shop.... hence no lardy aussie on Saturday. :lol:

  3. I like Harper, but I'm starting to think maybe it's time he moved on to let Krul take up the No.2 Keepers spot.

    You just know though, the minute Harper signed for someone else,Given's legs would spontaneously break, and Krul would damage his wrist in a bizarre pet tortoise related incident.

    It's NUFC...... these things will happen. :lol:

  4. ha ha fish, yuu are the least popular member of this board, including Torres and even Attain.



    :lol: two things?


    i) course I am mate. B)

    ii) popularity on a message board? Not something that'll keep me up at night. :icon_lol:

    Unlike the Viagra wor Danny's trying to flog on here ;)

  5. A team is something that is thrust upon you by your family ;) you dont just chose to like a team.


    You sir are a hornby through and through.

    Anything elseThrust upon you by family members? :lol:

    You can tell us you know, we're all pals on here B)

  6. Must be on the way to his grannys funeral


    he gets an undue amount of stick for that...

    His girlfriend had a miscarriage pretty understandable he didn't wanna go on international duty


    bit of a stupid fcking lie to try and keep what actually happened private mind but still

    Council for the Defence; The accused only lied to keep a harrowing personal tragedy from the public eye , m'lud.

    Council for the Prosecution; He has Pink wheels on his Range Rover, your Honour.




    Judge; GUILTY!! I sentence the accused to take all piss taking like a man :D

  7. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7740348.stm


    I've no idea what he saw in her

    Or her in him :D Is he standing in a hole btw? Potentially the biggest UK divorce settlement ever.


    Probably not actually....


    Word has it that Bernie has been putting all his cash into a holding company called SLEC.


    Guess whos company it is... (i'll give you a clue. 'SL' is the first two letters of their first name and 'EC' is the first two letters of their surname.


    She's got all the cash! ;)

    You'd think with all that moolah, she could afford a Wonderbra. :aye:

  8. Nothing to suggest he's been offered the chance to break even tbh.



    A lad at work has sold his house this week - he had to take about 20% less than he originally wanted due to market conditions. That's how the world is - the fat cunt should wake up sharpish and fuck off.



    This one-time fortress is in need of major re-structuring work.

    Cosmetic additions cannot hide crumbling foundations, the result of at least a decade of neglect.

    Potential buyers will need to invest heavily in re-developement,from ground up.

    This project will appeal only to serious developers, not cockney fuckwits.

  9. Tangent Time....

    Anyone read Underworld by Graham Hancock? He has a theory that relatively advanced (Ancient Egypt level of advancement for e.g.)societies existed previous to the last Ice Age, the physical traces of which were submerged by the melt water.

    Good read that covers alot more than I can post here, answers alot of "land Mysteries"



    OMG I had forgotten the old Atlantis theories- I used to love all of that stuff. I used to love arguing that it was true with people to wind them up (foptastic) and ended up believing it myself. my personal favourite theory being the Antarctica once having been Atlantis and for Hapgood's Earth Crustal Shift hypothesis

    You got me there... :D

    Never heard that one


    treat yourself - its a great read


    Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock



    Poking about through an assortment of grand earthly mysteries, Hancock (The Sign and the Seal, 1992) cobbles together a fascinating theory that proposes a lost civilization lying behind the conundrums. Why is it that the ruins of central America appear to show such a profound knowledge of spherical trigonometry millennia before that branch of mathematics was to find currency in the West? How is it that the great temples in Peru and Egypt show a clear understanding of the precession of the equinoxes way prior to its "discovery" by Hipparchus? All of these ancient monuments depict bearded Caucasian men in their sculpture. Pourquoi? Drawing on an amazing wealth of materials - from a close reading of mythology to geological texts, from archaeo-astronomy to rarefied mathematics - Hancock devises a theory that posits a highly evolved civilization that was wiped clear off the face of the earth during the cataclysmic happenings that attended the retreat of the last ice sheet. A resulting massive crustal displacement in turn might have buried the evidence of this advanced culture, leaving only a few survivors to pass on their knowledge to succeeding generations. Egyptian, Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations all speak of men - Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, the bearded men - who brought great wisdom into their midst (though why they didn't pass along the principle of the wheel to the Maya is an equal mystery). Where did these learned men come from? Hancock has evidence to suggest Antarctica, explained via a combination of crust movement and the odd fact that the topography of Queen Maud Land appears on a map dated 1513, when it was - and had for millennia been - under ice. He also has evidence that the next apocalypse may be just around the corner. A fancy piece of historical sleuthing - breathless, but intriguing and entertaining and sturdy enough to give a long pause for thought. (Kirkus Reviews)

    You got a beard Fop?



    Yes.... yes I do.



    So are you more Mel, or the posing tart top right? :aye:

  10. treat yourself - its a great read


    Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock

    Cheers, read that way back,iirc.

    What I liked about Underworld was that he avoided the "myths and gods" approach, and came at the same theory from an evidence based approach.Made a ,let's be honest,wild theory sound very credible.

    The section about the Hypogeum in Malta, and the level of society needed to produce such a thing , was the thing that hooked me :D

  11. Tangent Time....

    Anyone read Underworld by Graham Hancock? He has a theory that relatively advanced (Ancient Egypt level of advancement for e.g.)societies existed previous to the last Ice Age, the physical traces of which were submerged by the melt water.

    Good read that covers alot more than I can post here, answers alot of "land Mysteries"



    OMG I had forgotten the old Atlantis theories- I used to love all of that stuff. I used to love arguing that it was true with people to wind them up (foptastic) and ended up believing it myself. my personal favourite theory being the Antarctica once having been Atlantis and for Hapgood's Earth Crustal Shift hypothesis

    You got me there... :D

    Never heard that one


    treat yourself - its a great read


    Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock



    Poking about through an assortment of grand earthly mysteries, Hancock (The Sign and the Seal, 1992) cobbles together a fascinating theory that proposes a lost civilization lying behind the conundrums. Why is it that the ruins of central America appear to show such a profound knowledge of spherical trigonometry millennia before that branch of mathematics was to find currency in the West? How is it that the great temples in Peru and Egypt show a clear understanding of the precession of the equinoxes way prior to its "discovery" by Hipparchus? All of these ancient monuments depict bearded Caucasian men in their sculpture. Pourquoi? Drawing on an amazing wealth of materials - from a close reading of mythology to geological texts, from archaeo-astronomy to rarefied mathematics - Hancock devises a theory that posits a highly evolved civilization that was wiped clear off the face of the earth during the cataclysmic happenings that attended the retreat of the last ice sheet. A resulting massive crustal displacement in turn might have buried the evidence of this advanced culture, leaving only a few survivors to pass on their knowledge to succeeding generations. Egyptian, Olmec, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations all speak of men - Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, the bearded men - who brought great wisdom into their midst (though why they didn't pass along the principle of the wheel to the Maya is an equal mystery). Where did these learned men come from? Hancock has evidence to suggest Antarctica, explained via a combination of crust movement and the odd fact that the topography of Queen Maud Land appears on a map dated 1513, when it was - and had for millennia been - under ice. He also has evidence that the next apocalypse may be just around the corner. A fancy piece of historical sleuthing - breathless, but intriguing and entertaining and sturdy enough to give a long pause for thought. (Kirkus Reviews)

    You got a beard Fop?

  12. Tangent Time....

    Anyone read Underworld by Graham Hancock? He has a theory that relatively advanced (Ancient Egypt level of advancement for e.g.)societies existed previous to the last Ice Age, the physical traces of which were submerged by the melt water.

    Good read that covers alot more than I can post here, answers alot of "land Mysteries"



    OMG I had forgotten the old Atlantis theories- I used to love all of that stuff. I used to love arguing that it was true with people to wind them up (foptastic) and ended up believing it myself. my personal favourite theory being the Antarctica once having been Atlantis and for Hapgood's Earth Crustal Shift hypothesis

    You got me there... :D

    Never heard that one

  13. I like the Theory put forward by the Red Dwarf team.

    Remind me....

    They travelled through time and knocked Oswald out of the window, the future that then transpired was of nuclear terror and mafia control, the America that developed was nothing like the one that the crew knew to have existed, so they travelled through time and space again, breaking Kennedy out of police custody, told him of the inevitable future, took him to the grassy knoll and gave him a gun and got him to shoot himself. He then disappeared without a trace.



    ... there's probably a better way of explaining that... ;)

    Sounds about as rational as most JFK theories tbh :D:aye:

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