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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Oh for 5 minutes with La Cole Yes indeed
  2. Monkeys Fist

    82cm Rat

    I think it would laugh at Charlie........ Then bite his yappy little head off
  3. You lot inviting Douggy B then? Wetherspoontastic
  4. Agreed The photographer lass was fit mind Seemed to me like they were trying to cram to much stuff into one episode. That wee parrot too Even Batgirl was floating my boat.. something about a posh bird in the jungle, all sweaty and scared, far from people who could save her.... now have a cold shower whilst thinking about Charlotte Uhlenbroek
  5. Saw about 10 mins of the prog last night. She/they were shown. What a load of shite. I liked the sound of Invisible (Invisibles ??) and The Horrors (?). EDIT: Just had the Jehovah's Witnesses at the door. What a great name for a band "and now......it's.....The Jehovah's Witnesses At The Door" Did you ask them if they were in the lucky 440,000?
  6. :spit: Good Shot! Got her on the left cheek by the looks.........
  7. should've posted this at 09:09 a.m. tbh
  8. Agreed The photographer lass was fit mind Seemed to me like they were trying to cram to much stuff into one episode. That wee parrot too
  9. too late was the cry..... It was last night mate
  10. Where has this new admin/mod spot come from like? craig resigned... Craigs a shareholder though. Shareholder > Admin > Mod Although I might be missing something Article 2:45b of the Official Toontastic Rools 1) public resignations are final and binding 2) …unless an Extraordinary Meeting of all Shareholders,Admins, and Mods is held in the secret forum, the outcome of which must be unanimous. 3) since the likelihood of 2) ending unanimously is lower than shark shite, rule 4) applies 4) Shareholder status , and all related priveliges, are null and void the moment Teddy makes contact with the floor.
  11. What happened then like Stevie? Haway man, don't you remember? btw Mackem ?
  12. What happened then like Stevie? Haway man, don't you remember? btw Mackem ?
  13. Dissolution - C.J.Sansom great read
  14. What happened then like Stevie? Not a true fan
  15. I'm off work Thursday and Friday, because I'm cool But I'll definitely be up for a pint, whereabouts will you be? you'll be too busy moderating on here, now that Craig's had a hissy fit, to be drinking pints , pal
  16. Fish,whilst I'm sure you're happy with the Cad of Cads, if you fancy a new avatar to reflect your new found status-
  17. Not counting the all time champ of Bacon and Egg stottie,chicken and bacon caesar salad baguette for me
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