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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Erm not really. You lot obviously werent expecting any of it because all I got was abuse.


    I'm on for all 6 coming to pass.


    Mate I know its a bit spooky but trust me there is no trickery involved. Just an experienced football fan telling you how it is.


    Aye, you know what you're talking about like....


    Ramos is safe because the pay off would be astronomical. And before we go all weepy over the Frying dutchman, he did alright out of the whole affair financially.


    Anyway, the thought of firing Ramos is ridiculously premature.







  2. I thought they were options in a poll rather than predictions.


    When every one of those options come true..

    You said KK would walk if he wasn't backed in the transfer window. Are you agreeing he wasn't backed or do you now want to have it both ways?


    I have no doubt that KK actually believes that he wasn't. Unrealistic expectations IMO.

    So you do want it both ways? :lol:

    Quote some of these other predictions btw (poll options don't count either).

    According to the Dolphins , wor Daniel is more than happy to have it both ways :o

  3. Just because I am not a NUFC fan it doesn't mean I dont know the game better than you do.


    TBH I have probably been following the game for ten years more than most on here.

    :lol: how's the padded cell?


    Mate its true. I am willing to bet most on here werent around pre KKs first stint in charge. Some real JCLs on here.


    Everything I have said has come to pass. Some on here have their heads too firmly up their arses to realise but it is a fact.

    Prepare yourself for the shit storm........ then again don't bother, no-one takes you seriously anyway :o

  4. Facilities Management Advisor...



    Thrilling stuff, I assure you!

    Is that property related, managed offices etc?



    Yeah the maintaining of office and industrial buildings around the country for a large electronical company.



    I don't do any of the physical work myself, more of the organising of people to do it! :icon_lol:

    Blatant job hunt to follow :lol:

    Need any roped access building maintenance? if you do, pm me and I'll give you some details :lol:



    I'm afraid our contracts with suppliers have only been recently signed, but thank you for your interest.



    Kind Regards.




    Shy Bairn gets nowt :icon_lol:

  5. I train dolphins ,with learning difficulties. How to put mines on boats, how to communicate with humans. That kind of thing.

    Well Done. so pleased you haven't let your obvious difficulties get in the way of working with creatures more intelligent than you.


    So we can establish you are some kind of stand up....god.

    Can we keep it secular?


    Script writer on "My Family"?

    Now you're just being nasty :lol: Uncalled for.........








    :o feckin dolphin fiddling yid

  6. I train dolphins ,with learning difficulties. How to put mines on boats, how to communicate with humans. That kind of thing.

    Well Done. so pleased you haven't let your obvious difficulties get in the way of working with creatures more intelligent than you.


    So we can establish you are some kind of stand up....god.

    Can we keep it secular?

  7. I train dolphins ,with learning difficulties. How to put mines on boats, how to communicate with humans. That kind of thing.

    Well Done. so pleased you haven't let your obvious difficulties get in the way of working with creatures more intelligent than you.

  8. I think you're being overly positive there, but I guess we won't know till January and then the end of the season.


    What worries me is even if we manage to scrape though this season without relegation, what state we'll be in for next season.


    Through all the years of inconsistency with different managerial regimes, boards, players etc one thing remains the same - The unrealistic expectations of the fans


    Yes I know we're the greatest fans the world has ever seen blah blah blah but for fucks sake give the bloke a chance & give him our support at least until the end of the season.




    With the best will in the world would Kinnear be in anyone's top 10 for NUFC? Top 20? :icon_lol:





    But that's not really the point, the point is Kinnear is a symptom of what is systematically destroying the club and may well do it's best to utterly destroy it in the long term.


    Kinnear is almost irrelevant, no matter how well or badly he does.

    :o Agree

    oh the shame I agreed with the fop :icon_lol::lol:

  9. Facilities Management Advisor...



    Thrilling stuff, I assure you!

    Is that property related, managed offices etc?



    Yeah the maintaining of office and industrial buildings around the country for a large electronical company.



    I don't do any of the physical work myself, more of the organising of people to do it! :lol:

    Blatant job hunt to follow :o

    Need any roped access building maintenance? if you do, pm me and I'll give you some details :lol:

  10. What I find interesting about the pyramids is that they have no 'predecessors'. Granted there are older and smaller pyramids in Egypt, but the leap in standard from those to the Giza pyramids is immense. Like making a B&Q flat pack shed and then next building the Sage.

    Nothing to do with 'aliens from sirius' or other such bollix, but a puzzler none the less.

    Aye. That sort of thing is a mystery. It certainly takes one-upmanship up a notch :lol:

    Can you imagine what the instruction booklet must've been like............and in hieroglyphs too!

  11. What I find interesting about the pyramids is that they have no 'predecessors'. Granted there are older and smaller pyramids in Egypt, but the leap in standard from those to the Giza pyramids is immense. Like making a B&Q flat pack shed and then next building the Sage.

    Nothing to do with 'aliens from sirius' or other such bollix, but a puzzler none the less.

  12. One reason Osama bin Laden is still at large is that the strikes he orchestrates are a long way from the local population that might turn him in.

    The other being that he's probably dead.

    Time to 'fess up Fop....... you're Osama ,aren't you?

  13. I like Harper, but I'm starting to think maybe it's time he moved on to let Krul take up the No.2 Keepers spot.

    You just know though, the minute Harper signed for someone else,Given's legs would spontaneously break, and Krul would damage his wrist in a bizarre pet tortoise related incident.

    It's NUFC...... these things will happen. ;)


    I'm thinking more Harper sods off, Given is sold, Krul turns out to be rubbish/breaks every bone in his body. We get Hartlepool's 3rd choice keeper on loan because he's cheap.



    Squad? We don't need no strength in depth. :lol:195.gif

    we can always ask the FA if we can play "Rush Goalie" or " 3 pots in" B)

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