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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Cheers CT. I'm on Firefox I'll give that a go
  2. Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Potentially Unwanted Software;Entertainment;Pornography;Audio/Video Clips" Do i bother checking this when I get home? Picture is blocked as well. Jesus Its a clip of a midget dressed as spiderman zipping around the floor of a gym. No titties, ass, or mixed genitalia
  3. Your request was denied because of its content categorization: "Potentially Unwanted Software;Entertainment;Pornography;Audio/Video Clips" Do i bother checking this when I get home? thats it! Porn? (btw how do you post non youtube clips,tried the post video quick access box-nowt)
  4. Shall I toss you women a coin? Heads you go to the Crown near Tottenham Court Road Tails you go to Lyceum Tavern ? That's not such a bad idea. Heads it was gents Enjoy!
  5. Shall I toss you women a coin? Heads you go to the Crown near Tottenham Court Road Tails you go to Lyceum Tavern ?
  6. £400 for a weekend in a caravan in North Wales? Someone saw him coming!
  7. Waiting for a lift on Wallsend High St. Someone has been on an Ugly Stick Rampage! (btw Bristol destroyed the Bindippers in the "minge-off". )
  8. My two yr old, farting like an angry duck. Class
  9. i-nerds shall inherit the Earth
  10. Touchscreentastic aren't they?
  11. No uneccesary embellishments- A'Cappello. I'll get me coat
  12. Bilic on his 2nd pack of Woodbines already.
  13. Nice penalty 1-0 to Engerland.
  14. As someone who once tupped a redhead, I find the Ginger baiting and abuse on here very upsetting. The retards can get fucked mind.
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