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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Desperate??!! :rolleyes:


    Cheers lads!



    You can blame the Spurds dullard who created the original thread for that.



    Thanks Danny, I have made a mental note not to add you to my friends list, oh and by the way, I don't remember saying I was single at any time!! ;)





    Shaddupayaface! ;)


    ha ha, only joking love. I was just having a dig at the saddos who are all over this thread just cause you're a bird.



    Found your Viagra now? :razz:


    Still undecided Fop. However in the backdrop of a long term loving relationship I don't think experimentation is anything to be ashamed of.

    amazing where a bowl of chummie a day gets you, innit :finger:

  2. There was a survey done not so long ago, and it found Britain's most boring cunts, were situated in the 20 miles North of the M25, funny that, what with Danny being based in Welwyn Garden City.

    Clearly not enough weed killer used :rolleyes:

  3. Possibly the most un-Hispanic looking Hispanic fella ever.

    "What me, a drug dealer, noooo.I just keep the peace"

    Was a comedian.Didn't seem much difference between him PCP-ed up and sober either.

    I reckon he was a bit like Lawrie Sanchez, half-Latino/half-Irish :rolleyes:

    It was fucking mint when he was off his face. That neighbourhood didn't seem half as deprived as some of the other ones. Not saying that had owt to do with him like.

    I've now got a mental picture of the big daft bugger in a leprechaun outfit :finger:

    weird thing is it fits

  4. Possibly the most un-Hispanic looking Hispanic fella ever.

    "What me, a drug dealer, noooo.I just keep the peace"

    Was a comedian.Didn't seem much difference between him PCP-ed up and sober either.

  5. Cant be helping any sale if there is a court case as that case would be KK against NUFC rather than Mick Ashley. Whoever buys the club will inherit the case too.


    Thats got to be a factor in the sale.

    Surely then if he's serious about selling, it's in his interest to settle the case asap........... unless he's notafter selling.Oh cynical me!

  6. Anyone catch Louis Theroux last night btw?

    I did- for Him it was pretty hard hitting stuff, quite depressing really.There didn't appear to be a way out of the downward spiral.Next week's in jo'burg.wonder if FIFA will be watching?

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