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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Even Soccernet getting in on the joke:


    Ince's Blackburn have gone nine league games without a win while Sunderland were beaten in five of Keane's final six matches. Initial success in the dugout has been replaced by uncertainty about their future prospects. Keane's future may be spent walking his overworked dogs while Ince clings to a position many Rovers fans do not believe he merits.




    Decent article about similarities at Blackburn and Sunderland: http://soccernet.espn.go.com/columns/story...os1&cc=5901

    Good arictle- I particularly enjoyed the last line :birthday:

  2. I agree it was a pretty dumb thing to sing given the palaver over the same song last year.Especiallly since football fans en masse are reknowned for their well thought out and reasoned actions :drinks:

    I would have thought, though , that the " Get your tits out for your Dad" song, sung far more often at Boro, would knock the "bomb" chant into a cocked hat as far as offensiveness goes*.

    Never once heard any one complain about it...........



    I wonder why? :birthday:






    * still makes me chuckle tho

  3. Thank the lord!! :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

    we might have a hope of staying up now.....


    What's Barry Fry up to these days? :drinks:

    advertising Clit Bang? :icon_lol:

    Is that soccermom's cleaning fluid of choice?

    HaH, like she cleans down there.


    It's worn down like a rifle barrel, needs the occasional oiling, but that's about it.

    He/She 's not here to defend such scurrilous badinage!!!!



    Probably true mind :birthday:

  4. Could be SMO this, that's his favourite site, then there was the shit of him reckoning he knows her.



    I'm not SMO.


    If I was I'd be talking about how big his cock is, how everywoman is begging for him, how cheryl cole would be lucky to have him...blah, blah, blah, etc etc... No offence SMO, just yankin' ya crank :drinks:


    I guess none of you guys are affiliated with any women who find this kind of thing a turn on.

    Fantasies are healthy, and can really add steam in bed if you discuss them.

    :icon_lol: :icon_lol: ;):drinks:

    I find Jalfrezi has a similar effect

  5. tbf, he said Wise is shit...



    Crystal Palace owner Simon Jordan has sensationally branded Newcastle United a small club in an exclusive interview with Virgin Media Sport.

    Jordan, who earlier this year revealed his desire to sell Championship side Palace and get out of football, also astonishingly dismissed Dennis Wise's abilities as Director of Football and labelled football fans as fickle.


    Newcastle chairman Mike Ashley was forced to put the club up for sale following Toon Army protests following the resignation of Kevin Keegan three months ago.

    But Jordan has labelled football fans fickle and defended the right of a chairman to make money from the game.


    Jordan said: "There has to be an element of respect for the fact that he (Mike Ashley) poured £250million into the club.

    "Football fans have very short memories, they don't regard John Hall very highly up in Newcastle, even though the man re-built their club.

    "Mike's situation to me is ludicrous, he's gone in there and realised it's expensive and it's going to get worse."

    Despite his understanding of Ashley's precarious situation, Jordan questioned his decision to appoint former Leeds united manager Dennis Wise as Director of Football claiming the former Chelsea midfielder knows nothing about buying foreign players.

    Jordan added: "I don't know why he's got Dennis Wise in there, I wouldn't have him as Director of Football at my club, because I probably could write what Dennis knows about players abroad on the back of a postage stamp.

    "I've been up at Newcastle many times, and this Geordie Roar they talk about, I've never heard it, the only time I've ever heard it is when they score.

    "Newcastle fans have got to face the fact they're not a big club, they're a big club in Newcastle, not anywhere else and this expectation level that is put on managers up there is grossly unfair."

    Clever lad. ;) What's the point of shit like this?

  6. Can't see Liverpool winning the championship, they'll fail to take maximum points from teams like West Ham too many times.


    Can't see Michael Shields getting out in time for Christmas either.

    Shame that.


    I'm still banned from a Liverpool newsagent for not signing a 'Free Michael Shields' petition when he got sent down.

    ;):icon_lol: coming from S.Wales that must really have an impact on your life :icon_lol:

  7. Did Malcolm Shiels consult the NUSC membership before making this announcement?


    Given that Ashley appears to have completely ignored their requests for dialogue and absolutely nothing has changed I find this an astounding statement.


    Give them a break man, it appears they're trying to reflect the diversity of opinion across the fan base, not an easy task with our lot.

    according to figures in the OP, this reflects a minority view tho?

  8. Did Malcolm Shiels consult the NUSC membership before making this announcement?


    Given that Ashley appears to have completely ignored their requests for dialogue and absolutely nothing has changed I find this an astounding statement.

    good point there ewerk.totally agree with the :rolleyes: reaction to the statement. very strange

  9. Dear Mr.Ashley,

    Sack Little Dennis today&make him walk home, get a proper manager in, sort out the players contracts, give decent funding in the transfer window, stop selling our best or developing players,find sensible buyers for the club and sell it to them at a reasonable price....

    Then fuck off...

    Then we'll talk forgiveness,

    lots of love

    Monkeys Fist


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