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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I split with my ex about a year ago. Love the company of women and have spent all but about 5 years since I was 15 with a few steady partners, interspersed with typical male revelry.


    Weirdly, the thing is I am just not bothered about chatting up girls anymore. :D


    I'm 36, have been married before (lost her to cancer in 2002).Tried sooooo hard to make the last one work..obv it didn't. :finger:


    I occasionally force myself to try and chat up a bird but my heart just aint in it. Waaaaay too fussy at this age.


    Is this maturity, laziness or is it time to call Meenzer? :razz::wub:


    Any older blokes on here relate with this lack of interest in chasing?


    The bitch is, after all this time I crave affection, but don't want it from anyone I don't want it from, and can't motivate myself to just crack on and get what the body needs :(:huff:


    I'm just impatient aren't I?


    Thanks for listening. :slap:

    Sorry to hear that.





    tell you what tho, you must have forearms like Arnie now :razz::finger:


    Given what you must spend on kleenex, it'd be cheaper to get yourself a lass!

  2. Aye, you and the US Christian Neo-Cons seem to agree on a lot. :finger:


    This decision validates my points that:


    1) it was wrong, it wasn't illegal and was done for utterly the wrong reasons.


    2) publicity, protest and basically saying :finger: is the right thing and does actually work. :slap:




    I've never said it was illegal. Personally I think it's wrong that an image of a tied up teenager with her tits out was allowed on the cover of an album in the first place, so I didn't give a shit that a crap bands shock tactics were being obstructed. Shame it's given them the further oxygen of publicity.


    I never saw you make that second point anywhere in this thread. You actually implied the opposite, that interfering charity busy bodies should not be able to campaign against images, and continue to that very point above by having a go at christian movements that don't like this stuff.


    Yes, yes, you and the US Christian Neo-Cons are all for censorship without the oversights of the court, we get it. :finger:




    Where the fuck have you dragged US christian neocons into this from anyway? You know the IWF is UK based?


    You should read more carefully. :finger:



    You have to admit it's very funny that you have though. :D


    So you DO want a change to the system of self regulation we have?


    What process do you envision to include the courts automatically in such cases?


    Then they came for the paedophiles and I said nothing, because I'm not a paedophile.


    Fop did like, because he is.

    can a girly virgin be a paedophile? :razz:




    I thought you were talking about the lass on the album cover. Took ten minutes to click that you were talking about Fop.


  3. Aye, you and the US Christian Neo-Cons seem to agree on a lot. :slap:


    This decision validates my points that:


    1) it was wrong, it wasn't illegal and was done for utterly the wrong reasons.


    2) publicity, protest and basically saying :finger: is the right thing and does actually work. :D




    I've never said it was illegal. Personally I think it's wrong that an image of a tied up teenager with her tits out was allowed on the cover of an album in the first place, so I didn't give a shit that a crap bands shock tactics were being obstructed. Shame it's given them the further oxygen of publicity.


    I never saw you make that second point anywhere in this thread. You actually implied the opposite, that interfering charity busy bodies should not be able to campaign against images, and continue to that very point above by having a go at christian movements that don't like this stuff.


    Yes, yes, you and the US Christian Neo-Cons are all for censorship without the oversights of the court, we get it. :huff:




    Where the fuck have you dragged US christian neocons into this from anyway? You know the IWF is UK based?


    You should read more carefully. :finger:



    You have to admit it's very funny that you have though. :razz:


    So you DO want a change to the system of self regulation we have?


    What process do you envision to include the courts automatically in such cases?


    Then they came for the paedophiles and I said nothing, because I'm not a paedophile.


    Fop did like, because he is.

    can a girly virgin be a paedophile? :(

  4. If the Tories do get in next election ,we've got nothing to worry about in the North East.

    I mean, they can't decimate our shipyards, they can't annihiate our steelworks, they can't wipe out our coal mines, and any homeowners worried about re-possesions can just put their name down for one of the many council houses available.

    Nowt to worry about :razz:

  5. A clear statement of intent from Ashley, before the window, would be nice. Something covering transfer funding,the club sale,plans for remainder of the season. As long as the fucker puts his head above the battlements and says something ,simple and unambiguous .

    As far as players goes, I really can't see any players of quality coming here this year.If we can hold on to what we have it'll be a friggin miracle. Our only hope of fresh blood in the 1st XI is youth players coming up ,

  6. I assumed this thread would have been bumped because Cameron's lead has been cut to 4 points in the latest poll, but apparently not. I wouldn't bet on a tory landslide just yet.

    Brown would have to call a snap election right now to capitalise on that, though. If he holds out until 2010, people will have seen through his economic "rescue" measures by then.

    By which time cameron will have been caught with an orange in his gob and and a Peppermill up his hoop, getting spanked off his secretary.......... tories man -no imaginations.




    Better than my response, for sure.

    When it comes to sharp political analysis, i won't be beat tbf :razz:

  7. I think my effort should take off to be honest which I mentioned ages ago.


    To the tune of the runaway train/Fernando Torres Liverpool number 9


    He came from Deportivo,

    And hes class, he class,

    He's got a shit haircut

    Like a lass, a lass,

    He turned a bid from Tottenham down,

    Cos he hates fuckin jewish clowns,

    Coloccini world class at the back

    Given the hoo-haa at smogside, you might want to think about that

  8. I assumed this thread would have been bumped because Cameron's lead has been cut to 4 points in the latest poll, but apparently not. I wouldn't bet on a tory landslide just yet.

    Brown would have to call a snap election right now to capitalise on that, though. If he holds out until 2010, people will have seen through his economic "rescue" measures by then.

    By which time cameron will have been caught with an orange in his gob and and a Peppermill up his hoop, getting spanked off his secretary.......... tories man -no imaginations.

  9. simple truths are that whoever goes into power next has a largely failing economy (that will by all accounts recover by dec 09) an apathetic audience (i.e. us) and political infighting ( brown and cameron are neither parties best mp's for leaders, (brown beleiving he was due some credit for the boom years in the UK ) (cameron being an egostistical bastard). but we have no real alternative.


    lib dems are too wolly and no one has had confidence in them for years. green... no. bnp and other extremists.... no.


    what to do? :razz:

    Better the devil you know :(

  10. He better not get it, Ive got 2k coming if Steve Clarke gets the job :razz:

    How long before Clarke cuts his teeth in the big boys chair?


    Or is he one of these coaches who'll never make the step up to Manager, but will remain a very good coach?


    I reckon its soon and the way West 'Am are going then hes not got any reason to hang round at the mo.

    He's strikes me as the type of bloke who would actually do quite well at a decent sized club looking to mix it up with the European chasing teams. Him and that grey haired bloke, who was our youth team coach, then moved to Everton... not sure if he's still there and I've forgotten his name. Both of them look to be coaches who've successfully acquired a fair amount of experience with various degrees of expectation and scope.

    Irvine..... David Irvine? maybe derek

  11. bollocks.


    Ahead of his time, and too good for Newcastle at the time, is what he was.

    I was 6yrs old





    aye, I saw that !!!! eermm....has this opinion stuck then :razz:

    It caused a 6yr old huff of major proportions.i wouldn't go to the game for oooh, 3 weeks.

    Perhaps this has clouded my judgement, but i still wouldn't put him up there in my'favourite toon gaffers' list :wub:


    when I was about 9, my favourite player was Trevor Hockey



    Can't say I'm familiar with him-any good?

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