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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Poster most into bands that haven't even made a record yet



    Look the catagories are there. I have finished an extensive questionaire. Pin the fucker, fill the fucker and shut the fucker. :) come on lets get going

    Most tolerant poster :(

  2. Sounds a bit dodgy to me. He probably was burgled and called the police, but before they got there Sherla found a note warning him not to call the police or suffer the consequences so he called them back telling them not to come. I don't know what those consequences would be though - a promise to get him a transfer to Ipswich perhaps??

    that would mean there was someone else with him at the time.................... to read the note :(

  3. Footballer Shola Ameobi thought messy mansion was result of burglary


    The furious Newcastle star, 27, called cops detailing the items stolen, including his cheque book.


    Then the truth hit home to the dopey striker, 27 – his £500,000 pad had not been ransacked, he had just left it incredibly messy.


    One police source said in disbelief yesterday: “We were told thieves had taken a number of things, the most important one being the chequebook.


    “Given what soccer stars earn, that was obviously a matter of great concern. Then we got a call back saying nothing was missing after all.


    “Perhaps he had had a party and the place just looked as if it had been burgled.”


    Cops were about to visit him about the “break-in” in Newcastle’s Jesmond district when shame-faced Shola owned up to his howler.


    A police spokesman confirmed: “We received a report of a theft from a house in Jesmond but it appears to have been a genuine misunderstanding.


    Guess it proves it’s not just his struggling team that’s a real shambles at home…


    :):icon_lol::) mind, that does explain alot of Shurla's bizarre choices on the pitch. As you eloquently put it- thick as feckin mince B)

  4. Given the state of the team when he arrived, the morale , the poisonous atmosphere with us and the press, the fact he hadn't worked for 4 yrs. given all that, he's not done bad.

    Re. being a mouthpiece, it's just possible he's only repeating what he thinks is the truth. The fuckers in the know have previous as far as lying shamelessly to their managers goes.

    What I suppose I'm getting at is that JFK, whilst not my ideal chouce , is NOT to blame for the shit pit we're in. Even if we go down I'd find it difficult to direct my anger at him, when those above him have stood round with their fingers up their arses whilst we sink.

    Agree with PPud, when he eventually goes( and it would be ironic if he told Fatty to do one) I think it'll all come pouring out.

  5. It's the same sort of nebulous shite he came out with last time he made a statement. I don't believe a word of it.


    I, like a fool, was sucked into his tripe first time around and I'll be fucked if i'll buy into it a second time.


    All I'd ask is that he shows where it counts.


    Well he's got the next 28 days to prove so..... Anyone willing to 'give him time' after that needs their fucking heads examined.

    :icon_lol: YUP!!


    I'd disagree, he's got until Jan 15, if there are no signs of change by then, there never will be.

    Well ok Mr hair splitter.... :(


    Either way we're all watching to see whether he lives up to his word. :)


    But is it splitting hairs?

    If we wait until after the transfer window then by that stage everything could be lost. By drawing a line in the sand and saying if nothing has changed by mid Jan then there is time to at least express concern of the situation.

    You have to remember these cunts have huffed and puffed almost since the moment they placed their dunlop volleys under the big desk at SJP and as my dear old mum likes to say, a leopard doesn't change its spots.

    I see what you're getting at.


    I don't think protesting during the window is a good idea. Mikey baby could spin it to say that it was off putting to potential signings he had lined up.....


    I think we should just wait and call his bluff....after all....he may mean what he says!! :)

    Let's face it- kicking off on the 15th or at the end of the Window won't make a happorth of difference.

    the Fat One will already know how little he's prepared to spend, and he's clearly shown that us plebs crying about it makes fuck all difference to him.

    Our only hope is him suffering a fatal aneurism or something, and soon :)

  6. Joe Kinnear has joined the chase for whizkid Kyle Naughton.


    Sheffield United have slapped an £8million price tag on Naughton, even though the rightback has played only 20 senior games for the promotion-chasing Championship outfit.


    But the 20-year-old has made such a stunning impact that he has already wonhis first England Under-21 cap and is a target for Premier League big guns Liverpool, Arsenal, Aston Villa and Manchester City.



    That's us fucked then! :(

  7. Sky Rats get my vote- pigeon shit carries 3 diseases- Histoplasmosis,Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis.

    They're only serious if you have a weak immune system.

    The droppings can erode stone and metal if allowed to accumulate.

    seagulls produce whopper turds, but in urban areas Pigeons are far more numerous.

    Sky-rats also get inside roof spaces and buildings, which is rare with Shitehawks :D

    Landgulls are a coming. B)

    They're already amongst us :aye:

    The Baltic has the furthest inland kittiwake colony in the UK, and they're protected so you can't spike their nest sites.

  8. Sky Rats get my vote- pigeon shit carries 3 diseases- Histoplasmosis,Cryptococcosis and Psittacosis.

    They're only serious if you have a weak immune system.

    The droppings can erode stone and metal if allowed to accumulate.

    seagulls produce whopper turds, but in urban areas Pigeons are far more numerous.

    Sky-rats also get inside roof spaces and buildings, which is rare with Shitehawks :aye:

  9. This is unprecedented; this is the first time a magma has been found in its natural habitat.

    Probably a daft question, but isn't lava the same stuff?

    simply put, magma is molten rock below ground, once it erupts or flows above ground it's called lava.

    see fop for gassy details :aye::D

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