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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. In his case though 1- He’s not a billionaire 2- He inherited it all. 3- He is a cunt, though.
  2. When Charlie Sheen is ragging you, you know the games up.
  3. For me it’s not so much a matter of control as saying to myself, after a couple of drinks, do I need another? More often than not, the answer is “no, you’ve had enough to enjoy it.” I was very much, like you said earlier, of the attitude that if a bottle of wine was opened, the cork went in the bin Now, a couple of glasses and enjoy the buzz. Contrary to what most have said on here, I found the lockdown was a great help in cutting right down. Spending so much time with the family I couldn’t be getting befuddled all the time, All that being said, cooking a Sunday lunch I can still turn in to Keith Floyd and cane a bottle or two, but even then I stop before the messiness kicks in.
  4. In other news, proven pathological liar lies to his own supporters.
  5. We’ll cover that when we peddle ASM for £40mill or so, though.
  6. I used to be an proper beer monster. Realised one day what an absolute shit show it is, and, whilst I still enjoy a drink, it’s very much in the sensible bracket now. Proper Two Pint Percy. Don’t miss it, at all.
  7. Sorry mate, just seen this now. Didn’t mean to upset you, I apologise.
  8. I didn’t know the Knight Ryder’s dad had a side-piece in Glasgow…
  9. This is probably the mostly likely tbh.
  10. Surprise! Doreen Norris is not resigning … just yet https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65910896 What an absolute fucking irrelevance she is.
  11. Time to review membership of Team Sausage, eh, what?…
  12. I’d have cut the ad off the bottom, personally, mind Craig
  13. I won’t believe it until Chicken Nonce says it’s definitely not happening.
  14. Someone should go on there as a friendly Atletico Madrid fan and see how fast they clean your tonsils, from the underside.
  15. “Our historians have uncovered the FACT that Real Madrid’s original shirts were bought from SAFC by a travelling merchant called Tio Miguel, (who had a brief affair with a retarded Staffie, their kids and descendants still live in the area). Whilst originally red and white stripes, the intense sunlight in that part Spain washed out the colours and left them with plain white shirts. “
  16. If he gets back in the White House, someone will off him. Maybe even his cunt of a wife.
  17. Not sure how I managed to quote TS before he posted?
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