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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Bloody Hell Gemmill, I hope I never piss you off...
  2. There's only one way to sort this out... FIIIIGHT (with apologies to harry hill)
  3. Having watched the clip... Get a grip Charlie! FFS kinnear is a bumbling fool, a slip of the tongue/ too much Gin. We should sell the twat- to Fucking Moscow or St.Petersburg.. freeze ya childish cunt!
  4. I was just about to say.... What injury is he carrying/ How long ( in Minutes) before he's out for 8-9 weeks.. Kevin feckin Nolan-I AM depressed.
  5. He's not even a scouser- Welsh isn't he?
  6. The simple answers are always the best
  7. i would've thought they all come from another c*nt.
  8. If we need another violent criminal who eats at Mcdonalds, spends more time in the Courts than on the pitch,is no more than average talent-wise, and likes kicking off with team mates I'm sure a trip to Pitz would find plenty of more than willing candidates for half the wages.
  9. Won't be the first Fanni we've had in defence. If we get Sultan of Broon- Eye to buy us, sign Shittu, all we need do is get Big Dennis to find a usless Spaniard called Spunkbaggiola and we're in business.
  10. Bloody hell! next thing some bright spark will be suggesting teams don't sell their best players- it's all going to the dogs imo.
  11. I don't think he's an idiot. I think he hasn't a clue about football tho, nor about this club.
  12. They can fucking stay there for me.
  13. So how to explain the madness of fat mike's reign?
  14. We'll get a top line coach in the summer and it is clear if we put the hysteria aside that there are still many attractive things about managing in the PL. I refuse to believe they aren't looking for a top line manager. time to wake up and smell the (own brand instant) coffee mate. we're being led by a clueless fuck kinnear will very likely accompany us on our trip down the leagues.
  15. Tom & Jerry, Penfold,Huckleberry Hound, Will E Coyote.
  16. He knew you were going to book
  17. Fucking Nails them Yankee Seagulls.
  18. Ahhh, Jamie Lee..... just change me pants
  19. Fop takes a breath between posts Quality. Not even a nibble- he's slacking
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