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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Twats take heroin. And you usually take after your parents. Theres no excuse these days for anybody to be stupid enough to have a bash at heroin im afraid

    Mom & Pop Dynamite prime numpties too then?

  2. They didnt do a very good job with their daughter did they. Probably didnt want the 2 kids turning out like their mother

    You numpty <_<

    Herion addiction is not always, In fact Rarely , a reflection of the addict's parent.

    I'm surprised you didn't apply the same "logic" to the parents of the Gay couple B)

  3. tbh, I couldn't give a fig if he's there tomorrow or not. There will be far more important things on my mind, like rooting out the infiltraters amongst us who have come from the land that time forgot and will be sitting in our midst. Anyone not wearing something black and white, or not joining in with the singing, or not appearing to be one of us will be interrogated for authenticity. Questions along the lines of how to say 'who's keys are these'? will be asked and those suspected of being from the village of the damned will be asked to leave.

    Take some blue pop- Light is to Moths as Blue Pop is to filth.


    Bag of cheesy chips should root out the tougher ones. B)

  4. I don't see why being called 'Charles Insomnia' is offensive, surely that'd mean he was wide awake and always on the go? Or am I missing something here?


    If you see the video of what he actually said it's even less likely it was an insult. Just him grabbing hold of any old excuse basically.

    Agreed there Fopper








    Well B) me.. never thought would happen <_<

  5. Either;

    Nolan and Lovenkrands get injured within 1st 20 mins , leading to a team wide collapse and we get embarrassed in front of the nation


    The lads finally realise what it's all about and, inspired by the rejuvenated Nolan, we smash the bottom feeding fuckers into the dirt where they belong.



    more likely dull as fuck 1-1

  6. I'd rip her minge off!



    Would you even know how to find it?

    Just below your chin from what i hear



    Well you and they are wrong! :rolleyes:


    I'll have you know ya gotta lift me apron fold and poke around to find it actually!

    Not for the faint hearted tho, wear a gas mask cos as you can see from my pic I only bathe on special occasions.

    If you don't have a mask I can lend you my ex's hazmat suit. It's real sexy!! He wouldn't touch me without wearing it.

    sounds like a fanny on to me.

  7. S Pacific for us I think and then on to New Zealand - I'm trying to convince wor lass to dress as a Hobbit and me as Gandalf and do all the Lord of Rings spots ...some resistance there


    There's a joke in there somewhere. Dressing up. Rings.


    I'll leave it there.



    no need - hear them all all ready...................


    It's that or the full Maori moko

    Bit tongue always pleases the Goilz

  8. a great talent - but he recorded some albums and could never remember afterwards having done them

    Sounds about right. saw him a few times and he was always mashed- when he was good he was sublime, when he was bad.....

  9. Where the feck is Harpole?

    Somewhere in Suffolk. He never went. :rolleyes:


    West of Northampton- Did the good folk of Harpole know that Abdul was their Lord & Master, I wonder?

    I think it's a manor house and estate outside Ipswich rather than anything to do with the town of the same name. Either way, I don't think the locals were too chuffed when he first bought the title, but who listens to people from Suffolk anyway? :crying:

    I stand happily corrected :help: - probably peeved he didn't send 'em any free curry....





    or peeved cos he did? :whiteflag:

  10. Senegal was a French colony, it's citizens qualify for french citizenship.

    Like Algeria, etc

    Aye, but I think he was born in France with Sengalese parent(s).

    "Je ne sais pas-ces Senegalais vien ici, ils se prendre nos travails, ils prendre nos femmes, ils prendre nos maisons...... les cheeky bastards" dit French Stevie :crying:




    Writing exclusively for Le Mail Quotidienne

    Le Soliel tbh :help:

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