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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If worse comes to worse he could just tutor carroll a bit


    " So Andy, I see your pace is a bit short, I find Pies help"

    "Er, Mark, I'm getting caught on the ball to often for my liking, any ideas?"

    " Cheese & Onion Pasties mate, they'll sort ya"

    "Any tips on beating Offside traps mark?"

    " Doughnuts, Mince Pies, Stotties, Steak slice, ..................................................................

  2. Ashley's taking a massive (and uneccessary) risk on our PL survival. If gets away with it, he'll have been lucky. That doesn't mean it'll have been a masterstroke. It'll just mean exactly that, i.e. he got lucky. It also won't mean he'll splash the cash come the summer (I'm sure there'll be plenty 'bids' though) either and even if he was prepared to - who can possibly have faith in the manager / board to get the right players here?

    Doom and gloom or common sense?


    If, and it's a huuuuge if, we do survive, I would love to be at the party LardAsh throws in way of celebration - it will be one hell of a bash!


    The 'bids' you refer to - I'll take it that these will be 'serious' bids.


    And finally, divvent upset G'Lad or us in the WBAB will have to 'sort it'. :D


    :razz: WBAB? Pardon my ignorance.



    God, you have just asked a question that makes me, and hundreds of other posters on here, feel very, very old.


    WBAB stands for Whitley Bay Aggro Boys and '.....AB' eg LBAB (Longbenton Aggro Boys) was a common term in days of yore.


    Maybe it's a good thing that the young kids aren't familiar with the term.


    LMFAO no disrespect mate but if i was part of a gang called that id expect a fucking hiding for being part of something that sounded so stupid.....how about BBB (Blyth beastie boys) :icon_lol:

    It was all the rage in the 70s :)

    Red Docs, yellow laces, bags with a four button waist band. :icon_lol:

    Sex Pistols




    you just don't get that graffiti any more. It's all tags these days.

    Miss out KAB and you'll get feckin Laced mind! :lol:

  3. Ashley's taking a massive (and uneccessary) risk on our PL survival. If gets away with it, he'll have been lucky. That doesn't mean it'll have been a masterstroke. It'll just mean exactly that, i.e. he got lucky. It also won't mean he'll splash the cash come the summer (I'm sure there'll be plenty 'bids' though) either and even if he was prepared to - who can possibly have faith in the manager / board to get the right players here?

    Doom and gloom or common sense?


    If, and it's a huuuuge if, we do survive, I would love to be at the party LardAsh throws in way of celebration - it will be one hell of a bash!


    The 'bids' you refer to - I'll take it that these will be 'serious' bids.


    And finally, divvent upset G'Lad or us in the WBAB will have to 'sort it'. :lol:


    :) WBAB? Pardon my ignorance.


    God, you have just asked a question that makes me, and hundreds of other posters on here, feel very, very old.


    WBAB stands for Whitley Bay Aggro Boys and '.....AB' eg LBAB (Longbenton Aggro Boys) was a common term in days of yore.


    Maybe it's a good thing that the young kids aren't familiar with the term.


    LMFAO no disrespect mate but if i was part of a gang called that id expect a fucking hiding for being part of something that sounded so stupid.....how about BBB (Blyth beastie boys) :razz:

    It was all the rage in the 70s :D

    Red Docs, yellow laces, bags with a four button waist band. :icon_lol:

  4. You think he is hinting at JFK to play 433?


    With the team we have now tho im not sure how it would work?








    Pace down the flanks with overlapping fullbacks, dig and drive in the middle, Smith in the hole beind the pace of oba and strength and guile of viduka.


    Could be good, but i doubt JFK has the balls or the tactical nouse to try it out though.

    Rather see Carroll than Smith.

  5. How fucking annoying!


    Who the fuck is the ugly fucking chimp skin fucking monkey dancing around saying hes got insurance on his insurance.


    Did you not know...? he's worth a million in prizes.




    I just wanna , lower your premium..

  6. Here's some ridiculously shit mock up...





    Not quite lemon, Wacky :lol:

    This gets my vote- perhaps someone more savvy than me could try Putting Shearers face on it(keeping the tache of course).

    This (yellow)would stand out at the match, and doesn't look to bad at all.

  7. Whist the optimism in your OP is admirable Geordie Lad, I have to agree with Snake on this. I can't presently see the Fat One spending any "uneccessary" (sp) bucks from what he may have clawed back this window.

    Nothing he has done over the last year or so would lead me to believe he would spend the amounts you mention, even if it was "available"

  8. Work in a shop in town selling old ladies cheap shoes. Sometimes can be boring but at least on Thursday afternoons I get the chance to heel shoes for an hour or so which breaks up the week so not all bad. Been there for 17 years and still in the same position though they have promised me promotion to 'temporary relief-assistant at dinner times shoe shop supervisor'. Doesn't sound much but it's a steady job though the wage is real rubbish. Been thinking that I might try out some of the jobs on here but they seem pretty complicated and I guess you need to be pretty bright to do those jobs. On the brightside for me, at least I get the ample opportunity to fucking spunk into some old grannies shoes that she's worn for years, just telling her that she needs to let the 'glue' dry before wearing them. Yeah, nothing better than sniffing on a pair of well worn old ladies shoes, man, if that doesn't get you stiff then nowt will.

    :lol::D temporary relief assistant.

  9. The square just up from real pastyshop in cardiff- 1/2 hour before game a sea of Black & White, 2 daft Reds come waddling round the corner oblivious.

    Rather than turn round and leg it, they decide to walk thru us. lad 6 ft from me asks one if he wants a pint?

    The red is shocked but like an idiot says yes please......

    within 30 seconds they must've had a good few gallon of beer tipped over their sorry heads.

    The coppers were watching all this from a few yards away, and laughed like monkeys at the dumb Reds.

    We all knew we were in for a pasting on the pitch ,so were there for the crack- one of the best.

    If that story is true, I'm shaking my head. That is the sort of thing the cowardly dippers would do. If they were 10 or 20 of Man Utd's firm I'd have liked to see them do that.

    Think you're getting the gist wrong there mate.There was no malice or bad blood in it. the mancs were laughing too tbf.

  10. Is it just me, or has anyone thought that Stevies reason for starting this thread is to canvas the board looking for potential recruitment candidates/employers?


    Can't knock your thinking like Stevie.....

    Sexy librarian hunt :lol:

  11. The square just up from real pastyshop in cardiff- 1/2 hour before game a sea of Black & White, 2 daft Reds come waddling round the corner oblivious.

    Rather than turn round and leg it, they decide to walk thru us. lad 6 ft from me asks one if he wants a pint?

    The red is shocked but like an idiot says yes please......

    within 30 seconds they must've had a good few gallon of beer tipped over their sorry heads.

    The coppers were watching all this from a few yards away, and laughed like monkeys at the dumb Reds.

    We all knew we were in for a pasting on the pitch ,so were there for the crack- one of the best.

  12. "The pursuit of playing European football for Steve Bruce and Chairman Dave Whelan were the major reasons I have decided to join. The club is moving in the right direction season by season.


    "I am very excited with the new challenge ahead. I honestly believe we can create history by reaching Europe and in doing so enhance my international ambitions for the French national team.""


    N'Zogbia has this message for the fans at Newcastle: "I would like to thank Newcastle and its amazing fans for giving me the opportunity of playing for such a great club and to Sir Bobby for bringing me across in the first place.


    "Newcastle have made a massive profit on me and I have my wish so all parties are happy now."




    Do I really spot a moustache there?!

    Nah, bumfluff....

    Had a few sleepless nights ,poor love.






    Hope he breaks his fuckin' leg :lol:

  13. Do you think JFK has been reading the deadline day thread!? Hes got to be taking the piss, 3 new fucking players!? I wish. I give Viduka a game and a half before hes injured, Smith a season and a half before he manages a shot on target, and Martins a minute and a half before someone makes a post about him being shit.

    Shit that Martins ,like :lol:

  14. Don't know if I should admit this, but I'm a librarian.

    wasn't someone else on here a book monger?


    p.s. I await the inevitable swarm of lechery



    That was me, a filth book monger.....


    It's a class job and I would love it, except it's in sunderland. Really need to get into the new city library when it opens!

    All large print Janet & John Then?

  15. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle5658718.ece


    16. Alan Shearer


    “What about Alan Shearer? Probably the most boring man on the planet. He might have scored a few goals but he talks utter rubbish.” Barry, Oldham.



    10. Mike Ashley


    “He has truly spoiled my beloved team and more to the point has let the Premier League’s best goalkeeper slip through his clammy chubby money grubbing fingers. If he wasn’t prepared to spend money why buy a football team playing in the world’s most competitive league? Why not buy a lower league club that wouldn’t cost as much?” Kevin Longstaff.



    Not sure if this has been posted ...

    Makes a change from the usual slagging we get.

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