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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. re. "fopsession" who has three other people's names in their sig?
  2. I just want your gaydar. Is that too much to ask? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGfJ0_KMiro
  3. You don't like the guy then? Andy Townsend= Clueless C*nt
  4. Only the best go completely insane.
  5. Superb. Shame the lads not called Damian- he couldve made a million or two whilst he was at it.
  6. Tough luck , I can't imagine you were too pleased when he parked in your boot.
  7. 6 pages and no mention of Peter Green? Shame on you guitar geeks
  8. Zappa's a guitar ninja Deadly! Watermelon in Easter Hay- genius. Also Hendrix Page Dave Gilmour Billy Gibbons Jack White Dan Auerbach John Martyn Tuck Andress Loads more tbh but it's late and I'm off to bed.
  9. One particularly sick aspect of this case is that she has refused to identify which of the babies she abused. So the parents are in an horrific position of not knowing for sure if their child has been abused. Make sure you use a blunt knife Snakey.
  10. Where do you live mate? I used a very good mobile mechanic from Forest Hall. I'll give you his details once I dig them out.
  11. Anyone read Ghost Road- Pat Barker? Just picked it up from Ozzy's Hospice Shop with one or two others.
  12. I do believe I have found the most annoying ad/music thingy Click at your peril!
  13. Anyone remember Mr Rhaman's zips (might be a different name actually) that used to be advertised on Metro radio? Still can hear his voice now. Proof that it doesn't matter how shit the advert is, the important thing is getting it lodged in your brain. Replace the zip in trouser, shirt and jeans!
  14. Here you go. (Don't worry, they're covered)
  15. Agreed, they're doing him a disservice. "Cacapa easily the best defender I have ever seen in a Newcastle shirt. That includes Woodgate tbh"
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