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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. it's on issues like this a man's true worth are measured.
  2. How'd it go then Luke? Did you get 1st base?
  3. Richard Bevan, LMA Chief Executive, 07860 474 767 E: lma@lmasecure.com
  4. Isn't it normally very difficult to get work permits for non-EU footballers unless they've played in a certain number of full international games? i.e. not undiscovered wunderkids. Don't a lot of S/A players get round this by claiming citizenship thru their grandparents- e.g.Nobby had a Greek passport for a while thanks to his Granny ,no? Nobby's was a fake iirc, but you're right. There was a whiff of fakery about it, but apparently all was fine. Ah right, I knew it was dropped but I wasn't sure if it was a bit like Tony Cascarino and Ireland, i.e. too late to do anything about it. Think he threatened to serenade them with his trumpet if they took it any further- case dropped I wonder what he's doing now. I bet he's still better than Ryan Taylor. According to Wiki, playing for his hometown club. I know he recently announced his International retirement. And yes, even when he's stopped playing, he'll be better than Raylor.
  5. Isn't it normally very difficult to get work permits for non-EU footballers unless they've played in a certain number of full international games? i.e. not undiscovered wunderkids. Don't a lot of S/A players get round this by claiming citizenship thru their grandparents- e.g.Nobby had a Greek passport for a while thanks to his Granny ,no? Nobby's was a fake iirc, but you're right. There was a whiff of fakery about it, but apparently all was fine. Ah right, I knew it was dropped but I wasn't sure if it was a bit like Tony Cascarino and Ireland, i.e. too late to do anything about it. Think he threatened to serenade them with his trumpet if they took it any further- case dropped
  6. Isn't it normally very difficult to get work permits for non-EU footballers unless they've played in a certain number of full international games? i.e. not undiscovered wunderkids. Don't a lot of S/A players get round this by claiming citizenship thru their grandparents- e.g.Nobby had a Greek passport for a while thanks to his Granny ,no? Nobby's was a fake iirc, but you're right. There was a whiff of fakery about it, but apparently all was fine.
  7. Isn't it normally very difficult to get work permits for non-EU footballers unless they've played in a certain number of full international games? i.e. not undiscovered wunderkids. It probably is aye, although a lot of South Americans seem to have dual nationality. Like Nobby The point is though that Wise is being allowed to spout this sort of thing on Sky etc. where it's being taken at face value. How would that set of cowboys have the sort of connections that would allow them to get the top South American youngsters anyway? They want to be taken to task for being that easily taken in if they actually believed what this agent was telling them. Pah! too slow
  8. Isn't it normally very difficult to get work permits for non-EU footballers unless they've played in a certain number of full international games? i.e. not undiscovered wunderkids. Don't a lot of S/A players get round this by claiming citizenship thru their grandparents- e.g.Nobby had a Greek passport for a while thanks to his Granny ,no?
  9. But it IS sometimes visible when one is mooned. apparently the best place to view Uranus is Bruneii.
  10. When is it though? 5.30PM on the moon. Europa? Keegan, Shearer and Jesus are going to have a dance off judged by Barry Moat, Geoff Sheard,Frankie Lee and Judas Priest and the winner gets to lift the F.A Cup in May. Only one Messiah can win! Who will it be? Tune in at the end of the week to find out
  11. 2 minutes til Redheugh reveals............... nowt?
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