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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Whats the truth then Jimbo? The truth is Ali said what he said to sell and promote a fight against an opponent who's lack of charisma and wit, made Ali to appear like a bully in comparison mentally inferior opponent. That could be said for many of Ali's opponents tbh. Perfectly true, but I think Frazier took dullness to a whole new level, but the likes of Liston and Foreman for example had a air of invincibility about them more than compensated, as I said before, Ali always mocked his opponents, that was his style and added to his popularity, but this documentary put a hugely negative spin on it, Ali's arrogance and verbal attacks were what made him the star he was. Oh i agree mate, frazier was no great personality. just that compared to Ali, not many were. re. the documentary, it's a rare thing indeed not to have a doc. weighted in favour of one view or another. This one's brief was clearly to elicit sympathy for Frazier, his treatment at the time of the fights, and his current plight. did a good job , when looked at like that.
  2. It's like two magnets of the same polarity- I swear at times the ball comes off him twice as fast as it approaches the useless git.
  3. Due back end of this month i think
  4. Whats the truth then Jimbo? The truth is Ali said what he said to sell and promote a fight against an opponent who's lack of charisma and wit, made Ali to appear like a bully in comparison mentally inferior opponent. That could be said for many of Ali's opponents tbh.
  5. You dyer in disguise? poor lass
  6. Or you could just cut his cock off.
  7. High Plains Drifter last night. slightly ruined it for myself by comparing it to Blazing Saddles from the start, which kind of spoilt the atmosphere.
  8. Don't. If I can give you any advice then it's too always, always hold a grudge. Agreed- get the Croat mashed on Friday, in the name of reconciliation etc, then batter his lights out when he makes a drunken swoop at Mrs.P's chest.
  9. At 5'7" and 14 st exactly, I'm officially Obese Doesn't take into account my super Mesomorph frame and meaty tool.
  10. " You're Shit" "You're Ugly" top quality insults from the pair of them next time, Steven tells Windass," My Dad's harder than your's"
  11. Play in Spanish div 2- canny team. tbh ,now, even superman couldn't save us- i think we're fecked
  12. olivier bernard? he was soft as shite. Bollocks was he, he got smashed about pretty much every game and still got up for more. Can't remember too many injuries either in his first spell. He wasn't hard in the "rip your head of and spit down your throat" sense but he definitely seemed indestructable at times. Ive never seen a toon player take as many fouls as Bernard in his time here, he seemed to be getting kicked, elbowed and twatted every few mins, even Robert took him out once with a big hoof (as shown in the post above!)! Yet he always bounced back up and got on with it and dished a bit out as well. It became stupid, you could guarantee every game without fail he would get at least one heavy whack. Must be because of the smell Graveson at Goodison- horrible bastard
  13. I heard that Shearer put Ferguson in his place when they were both here. When I was taxi-ing, some lads told me about a sports dinner they'd been to where the speakers ( BoB Wilson, can't remember the other two) ALL put Shearer top of their Hard List. Wilson told about a tunnel incident involving Shearer, saying he'd never seen eyes as cold as Shearers whilst he had some bugger pinned by the throat. i wouldn't argue him (shearer)
  14. Wouldn't you if you'd just Fathered a kid at aged 13 with Shannon Mathews' mother ? Poor Lass........ she is a hound, tho
  15. Admins change thread title please Dennis Wise needs Built Up Heels, Dennis can Fuck Right Off
  16. Just as well, half them aren't even buildings That right? Just grew then? I think walls and bridges are classed as structures rather than buildings. picky ,picky, picky
  17. Just as well, half them aren't even buildings That right? Just grew then?
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