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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Alcoholism and mental illness don't really lend themselves to choice though.
  2. Hallelujah!! JeHova lives ! Praise be etc
  3. Disastrous eh? Can you still hold the Kleenex Seriously though, why not move to the Caribbean Not the answer, unfortunately. They have internet in the Carib. Keep thinking, though. St.Barts? Carib T'internet usage Although the British Virgin Islands might be more appealling to Fish- only 16% penetration .
  4. I love the one review of it. "The best restaurant-style curry book out there. If you are lardy, you will just love this book." I was just about to post the same thing ahem......... I'm only 14 stone tho, but.
  5. Fanatastic song that, Stiva In a similar vein, this does it for me( the track "I've Been Loving You Too Long", not Satisfaction)
  6. is a book I have used regularly. The balti sauce is a fanny to make, but batch cook and freeze it. I like the Chana Gosht balti, and Spinach and Cauliflower balti. It's made up of recipes from the chefs/proprietors of the best Balti houses in Brum. On Amazon here.
  7. Disastrous eh? Can you still hold the Kleenex Seriously though, why not move to the Caribbean
  8. I posted it to you yesterday mate, it needs to be signed for on arrival and hopefully you receive it today or tomorrow. Nice wee bargain for you at £62 and enjoy it. Your £62 is going to such a worthy cause. £62? Random figure that like. £100 sounds like a much neater charidee number. was ebay auction, i'd set max bid (which was 100 funny enough) and let it run :/ next time i'm down at my grans/mates house (live in loughbrickland/banbridge) i shall find the nearest charity box and throw the remainder in Cheers =), kid brother or someone should be in to sign for it or the posty will sign it and leave it with my cousin over the road I was only pulling your pisser, but hats off to you Ant
  9. I posted it to you yesterday mate, it needs to be signed for on arrival and hopefully you receive it today or tomorrow. Nice wee bargain for you at £62 and enjoy it. Your £62 is going to such a worthy cause. £62? Random figure that like. £100 sounds like a much neater charidee number.
  10. Oooooh, back of the net.
  11. If your local go to Falcon computers in Sunderland next to the Bowling Alley. They are imo a really good firm who will build you a pc to the spec you want. IE Whether its for gaming etc etc. Leave out what you dont need and keep the cost down. Personally know quite a few people who have used them and all sing their praises. http://www.falconcomputers.co.uk/ EDIT Just noticed your in Burnley (poor fucker) Still they probably deliver. Do they do chicken and fish?
  12. As a regular on here, I suspect all you need do is think " baby, pregnant, my life is over", whilst waving the old chap in the general direction of Mrs. T. Bingo
  13. No surprise there. When they got married she walked down the aisle to The Flying Lizards.
  14. Grinderman- No Pussy Blues kicks off at 1:30
  15. Catchy title that. Someone should suggest it to the BBC.
  16. another member for the Toontastic Tadpoles club! Well done Barney
  17. Nice one MF, congrats Given the recent increase in TT babies, I propose all members practice 'safe foruming'. Protection is simple, we ask all members to put a condom on each finger before engaging in textual intercourse with another member. Pregnancy is spreading and very contagious. Side effects of babies can (and will) include loss of sleep, frequent outbreaks of puke, piss and in some cases: poo on your skin; a lightness in your wallet and the repeated loss of half of Christmas Day/Birthday trying to free presents from their near-permanent incarceration in their boxes thanks to "THE CABLE TIES OF DEATH". This is a public health message brought to you by the Office of Toontastic, Admin Department. spoken like a dad! Btw, you missed out snot from the list- chimp #1 is currently convinced everyone must share in her fascination with the contents of her nose, and delights in shouting "bogey" whilst running up to complete strangers with a greeny on her finger for them to examine.
  18. Shouldnt you be getting the snip I am at the end of the week
  19. He'll have filled a canny few socks in hours I reckon.
  20. Sounds painful Essential when tiring in Japan. smoking hot!
  21. ....... and you an Atheist! What will the children think? I'm a god-parent twice over already. I don't take atheism or religion seriously enough to refuse....and it never stopped the people from asking me. I probably live my life pretty close to what the bible would advocate I just don't do so out of a selfish desire to protect myself in an imaginary afterlife. These people who make a point of not joining in during a church service wind me up though. fairy snuff That wasn't a pitch for the job by the way aye,rightho was going to ask Fish anyway, it'd beef up his C.V.
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