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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. http://www.geocities.com/electricmammal/lara-rostron.html Read the bit about stroking away to please her cox.
  2. Who is it on here that has a thing for Kate Garraway?
  3. So the guy in front wants to stand and the guy behind wants to sit????? Pleased they are gone. would hate to go to game and stand these days. Dont quite see the clamour for them. Do people think it would make the atmosphere better? the team better? The areas would be designated all standing, or all seated. Like the Jorman's do it.
  4. Win or lose, I always enjoy the day. Have fun Berby. We'll pick over the carcas come Monday. I hope the police are picking over your carcass in some random morgue come monday. Pathologist: "The Rusty Butter Knife has entered the body from a strange angle- it would appear the assailant was on his knees at the time"
  5. Self awareness, well done spud boy
  6. Oliver twist? Never read it or seen the film, don't intend to either. You're in it Bullseye? Just read a bit about it on Wiki. That Fagan was a jewish thief who ran a team of pick pockets, sounds like Danny B and his mates tbh That's what made me think of you tbh. Keep out the black, stay in the red, nothing in this game for two in a bed? let's see what you could've won!
  7. Oliver twist? Never read it or seen the film, don't intend to either. You're in it The dodger?
  8. Mind you it was more than enough games to tell Souness and Allardyce weren't up to the task. Not really, both started alright iirc, at least in terms of results. Mind, one game was too much for Souness but that was largely because of his managerial history and the fact the man is a complete cunt. Please, the word is vagina
  9. Naked on Film Four last night. David Thewlis top actor , jammy bastard( shagging Anna Friel)
  10. with Stroller and Duke(Of Greggs) attack attack slow down for a bit, attack miss attack, wander off, attack
  11. Admitting you have a problem is the 1st important step ,mate. When you feel ready, you're welcome at my Moth Lovers Group anytime I've got some cracking pupae on the go, should be ready soon..... .. errr ahem Just off to moisturise my Sunday Best.
  12. Admitting you have a problem is the 1st important step ,mate. When you feel ready, you're welcome at my Moth Lovers Group anytime I've got some cracking pupae on the go, should be ready soon..... .. errr ahem
  13. See Wacky for the cutlery Changed my mind, sharpening a screwdriver up. Shame, there was something appealingly "Hammer Horror" about the rusty butter knife
  14. funny you should say that....... tell you what though, I love "Oliver"- top musical film type thingy I'm a strict advocate of law and order, and frankly I find your glorification of a criminal both offensive and upsetting. * retreats to moral high ground * As a Deaths Head Moth enthusiast, I find your avatar insulting to the species. Since they have no vocal chords,I feel i must speak on their behalf and request that you remove the background filth forthwith. Otherwise I'll go crying to the mods like a pissy little Bairn
  15. Danny if I ever have the pleasure of meeting you I'm going to stab you in the neck with a rusty butter knife, I also hope you spend the rest of your life in an oxygen tent. Wacky... Seeing as Danny's just 'snitched' via PM, can you watch what your posting please? Don't mind the sentiment, I fully understand it, believe me! Oh and Danny, i'd think twice before trying to 'expose' me on here. You're actually posting something that everyone sees when they click my profile anyway so it's hardly likely to bother me. I'd be very careful that I don't return the favour though Perhaps I should change my photo to the Bosnich salute - what do you think? Tit! Publish please, in the interests of open debate.
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