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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Naked on Film Four last night.

    David Thewlis top actor , jammy bastard( shagging Anna Friel)

    Absolutely love that film. Seems to be a one often forgotten about when people talk about Mike Leigh films and good British films in general. I don't suppose anyone has read Thewlis' novel have they? It's meant to be good.

    It was on film four they've just had a Mike Leigh season- they'll probably run it again soon.

    haven't read his book, but he's a cracking actor- seriously under-rated I think.

  2. do folk still get people in to clean their houses?


    I fancy getting a cleaner cos I'm inherantly lazy and truely can't be arsed and was wondering if anyone had any experience of such phenomena?



    how many hours would I need to get them in for a week? like how long does it take somone who doesn't get distracted, or need a cup of tea every 5 mins to clean a house?, just the basics and that, no ironing or shit.


    wash the floors, dust, kitchen surfaces, scrub the bog, sort out the dishwasher, hoover, the essentials, then I can eat more shit and watch more tv whilst drinking my umpteenth cuppa uninterrupted.

    Get married- worked a treat for me!

  3. ... no a mentalist means you're mental..


    don't use the tv show as an indication of what the term means.

    He/she knew you were going to post that.













    Coat fetched :D

  4. Right said Mike, both of us together, one each end and steady as we go

    Tried to to shift it, couldn't even lift it, we was getting nowhere

    And so, we, had a cup of tea


    Right said Mike, give a shout to Derek, up comes Derek from the floor below

    After straining, heaving and complaining, we was getting nowhere

    And so, we, had a cup of tea


    Derek had a think and he thought we ought, to sell off all the players

    sack the man that answers prayers, but it did no good, well I never thought it would


    Right said Mike, have to buy some cheap ones, to get some cheap ones wouldn't take a mo

    Bought some cheap ones, even got a free one, should have got us somewhere but no

    So Mike said lets have another cup of tea and we said right-o


    Right said Mike, have to take some points now, need more points to shift the so and so

    Brought in Joe Kinnear, I'm not jokin here, and it got us nowhere

    And so, we, had a cup of tea


    Right said Mike, have to sell some tickets, them there tickets are gonna have to go

    Brought in Shearer, relegations only nearer, we was getting nowhere

    And so, we, had a cup of tea


    Derek had a think and and he said look Mike, I've got a sort of feeling

    If I do some dealing, with a pound or two we can avoid division two


    Right said Mike, making the fans sadder, I've made millions now stick it in the bank

    Was he in trouble? no he burst the bubble, and landed on his feet

    So Derek and me had another cup of tea and then we went home


    I said to Derek we'll just have to leave the ship, stranded in the championship

    You see the trouble with Mike is he's too hasty

    Now you never get nowhere if you're too hasty


    Post of the Day!

  5. Be fair chaps.


    It seems we're slagging off Danny for EVERY thread he starts. He'll never learn if we keep it up.


    When he starts an interesting topic full of intricacies and his opening post shows insight while encouraging others into the discussion, then we should help it along so he feels the warm welcoming glow we're capable of and tries to repeat his success in the pursuit of that fuzzy feeling.


    This topic is fucking wank like, but he must have done it once.


  6. If we go down IMO we will not be straight back up. We will still have the pull of "a big club" yet who in their minds wants to join a club with the clowns running it?


    We wont be big wage payers compared with the past either!


    If we go down, I think a lot of people will be getting a further and harsh lesson in how a perfectly good club can be totally fucked.


    The chances of repeating anything like what Keegan/Hall pulled off are pretty low. :nufc:

    Sadly I agree.

  7. The fact that we cant supply a player who gets in to all the right possitions amlost all the time with even one ball in about 300 minutes of football is unbelievable.

    Almost makes you weep- come back dyer all is forgiven........






    ........ nearly



    Don't.........just don't :nufc:

  8. Fop man just fuck off, I don't understand what your purpose in life or on here is.


    Renty's argument buddy? :icon_lol:


    This is true, Leazes has chosen to ally himself with the forum's mentalist purely in an attempt to get at me and manc-mag. I remember a couple of weeks ago he said how he agreed with one of Fop's peculiar opinions, but when challenged couldn't explain what he actually agreed with. That's about as pathetic as you can get imo, well that, and yet again trying to turn a general chat thread into a discussion about the old board.

    Man brass neck on you man man [/manc-foplite] :nufc:




    Do you agree with Fop now by the way?


    About what? If you are suggesting that there is a gene, or group of genes, that encode for racism, then no. If you're saying genes have a generic influence on our behaviour, and that might include distrust of 'outsiders', then yes, but that wasn't the meaning I got from your first post.


    But either way I can't be arsed to argue with you about it now, you can notch it up as another 'victory' if you like, the rest of us are just bored shitless by your endless babbling I suspect.



    About this, of course (which you've attempted to studieously ignore 3 times now :icon_lol:) :



    Out interest Renty, now that you've accepted that there is no such thing as an gene that explicitly effects "racism" (and that no one is talking about one either, except for maybe the voices in your head :wacko:) and you've admitted that:
    Of course genes influence behaviour

    Do you want to change your stated opinion on the below? :icon_lol:



    Everyone is xenophobic to a degree (even those that pathologically against it - they still create groups in their own mind that they dislike for no real reason - like the animal right or anti-abortion nutters that kill people :scratchhead:), it probably is genetic, as it would likely help survival in a prehistory tribal/hunter-gather time.


    Fop bets it is (or has a common genetic component that effects the behaviour) for a start it's too common; it's everywhere and always has been (even though the West seems determined to claim it for its own there much worse/more extreme between non-western groups today than there is in the West).


    Plus it likely has a positive aspect when viewed in a "caveman" setting (small wandering territorial groups - they'd need it as much as Chimpanzee's), much like depression, or needing to believe in the Flying Spaghetti monster, is a behavioural genetic throw back to those times.


    That's not to say the "fat argument" should be applied to it ("it's all in our genes we can't help it *munches another hamburger*"), but equally you can never deny the truth, even if it would be nicer to do so.




    Or are we still waiting for a Rention of The Origin of the Species? :pmsl: (The Rention of the Species? Catchy title :scratchhead:)


    I've clarifed my position in the post above. Also if you read my original post you'll find further clarification there, the post you've quoted here has been edited by you. Don't you ever get tired of this shit Fop?


    So you're wrong, you know you're wrong, you've admitted you're wrong, but you still won't change your initial position. Mentalist? :scratchhead: :scratchhead:

    Honestly mate, NO-ONE CARES.

    do yourself a favour, take a breath,

    when you go off on these "Fop is right, all others are fools" crusades, you only alienate yourself to more and more people on here.

    when you've had your medication, you post some valid and witty stuff........ sometimes.

    But this shit?????

    I'll say it again NO-ONE CARES. :icon_lol:

  9. I honestly believe that Kinnear in the championship is plan B if Shearer fails to keep us up and bails. It's par for the course with this lot, we're stuck permanently in Cock Up City

    This is the 'Doomsday' scenario that makes me shudder with horror.

    A mate naively thinks we'll 'be straight back up'. Not only is that a huge insult to most championship teams, but i think it's a head in the sand approach.

    If JFK comes back , regardless of staying up or going down, we are Royally fucked

  10. The fact that we cant supply a player who gets in to all the right possitions amlost all the time with even one ball in about 300 minutes of football is unbelievable.

    Almost makes you weep- come back dyer all is forgiven........






    ........ nearly

  11. I couldnt give a fuck what the reasons are behind their support being louder, more passionate and more of an asset to their team than ours, the simple fact of life is that they have been.


    I think Stoke fans are wank (© Stevie) they have that horrible small club mentality of "lets fuck the big boys" but at the end of the day they achieve what they set out to do and thats intimidate the away team and galvanise their own. The day we as supporters can do that again then I'll be happy but I see it as never happening until we're back up there fighting for the Champions League spots.


    We as supporters do not seem to have the fight and passion for this scrap. Never have the words "you only sing when you're winning" been so apt as they are for us. Back in the mid 90s SJP was the place to be, the ground that everyone feared to come to. A wall of noise, intimidating atmosphere and solid behind the team support. Nowadays its quiet moaning and mutterings about how shite things are. Thats not down to "wank" fans or glory hunters that appeared in 93. After all they will have been the very same glory hunters that made the wall of noise in 96. No, its down to the shit we've been served up over the past few years, the constant stream of new managers each one shitter than the one before. The lies, the mistrust and the baffling on and off field decisions.



    We've lost our priorities as fans, yes we want to be entertained and yes we want to see us winning but if we're not then we should be doing our bit to help it along. The first part of that process is the realisation that we are not the best fans in the world, far from it.


    Yes, we are loyal and yes we are passionate but are we the best fans? are we fuck. The sooner we all realise that then the sooner we can start to do something about it.


    Do you think an ageing match going support has anything to do with it, pud? Or a higher proportion of Range Rover driving mitten wearing types?


    I dont personally think its down to any one type of fans, I would have thought that our fanbase profile is no different to any other clubs. I do believe its purely down to how we have been conditioned over the years. When Stevie talks about the Sky fans of '93 hes right but it shouldnt be a derogatory term. Sky brought football back to the general populus. It made it mainstream and a good place to be. The fact we were up there with the best of them in the following seasons just helped build our fanbase. These arent glory hunters or fair weather fans they are people who liked what they saw and stuck with us with the thinner years that followed.


    Trouble was that these fans and those that were too young to be around in the pre Premier League days didnt know any different, they only knew the entertainers and pushing for the league, Europe qualification and stuffings of Man U, Spurs (yes Danny, the great Spuds were well and truly stuffed) et al. Now that times are hard and we are needed, fans dont know how to behave, the only songs they know are "We're gonna win the League", "Walking in a Keegan/ Robson wonderland" etc. All songs that cant be sung when you are where we are.


    Where is the gallows humour? what happened to the songs of pride and passion? songs that make you proud to sing along and get involved. Where did they go?


    Where are the men who used to stand on a barrier in the Gallowgate and face the wrong way for 90 minutes just so they could gee up the crowd to sing?


    They havent gone anywhere, its just they know that either they will be ignored or told to sit down and shut up. They cant sing the old songs because its so long now since they have been that nobody knows the words. The only songs sung are Blaydon Races and "Toon Toon", the latter being one that I personally think is cringeworthy.



    Seriously another fucking spot on post.


    You should really consider putting yourself forward for the NUSC pr / spokesperson role as you seem to have a grip on things that transcends the various fan "types".


    In two posts you really have summed up some very good / true points.


    How you solve the problem is another matter all together. :D

    Safe Standing?- any need to explain how this would help the 'atmosphere'?

  12. I've said in the Championship with Kinnear as manager. Now THAT is a very fucking scary prospect.


    Same here, I genuinely believe that this will be the case.

    The prospect of this just makes me numb and devoid of emotion.

    Since the'' blue rinse'' arrived, I've noticed a change in myself- My passion and emotional attachment for the club remain undiminished, however, I no longer seek out EVERY article about NUFC, don't listen to every news report.

    It's like I've prepared myself, to make the blow when we go into freefall less painful.

    Anyone else had a similar reaction?

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