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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Yeah Stevie, ffs man . Paedophiles have feelings too
  2. Some strange pics in this womens gymnastics gallery- all work safe btw (sorry Jimbo)
  3. This is a classic example of a post so deep, so intriguing, that even the greatest minds of our time would look at and have ten different interpretations of the meaning, or then again they could just think "What's that daft mackem cunt on about now?". Sometimes i don't agree with the things Stevie says. Sometimes the stuff he says boils my piss. ....... and other times he comes out with utter comic gold Comic Gold!? Fuck me. If you cant see the irony in Stevie saying other message boards are full of racists and cunts then you should remove your tongue from his arse and have a better look mate! You really have missed the point, haven't you? Anyway, back to bumlicking......... I think if you're a bell end, you can't change mate, same as paedophiles they'll always be paedophiles, when you're talking to J69, you have to speak to him like you're better than him, there's no point talking to him on a level. I'm not too worried about wor J69 tbh. I'll bet he's too busy posting more hilarious UFC pics to bother with this thread
  4. This is a classic example of a post so deep, so intriguing, that even the greatest minds of our time would look at and have ten different interpretations of the meaning, or then again they could just think "What's that daft mackem cunt on about now?". Sometimes i don't agree with the things Stevie says. Sometimes the stuff he says boils my piss. ....... and other times he comes out with utter comic gold Comic Gold!? Fuck me. If you cant see the irony in Stevie saying other message boards are full of racists and cunts then you should remove your tongue from his arse and have a better look mate! You really have missed the point, haven't you? Anyway, back to bumlicking.........
  5. This is a classic example of a post so deep, so intriguing, that even the greatest minds of our time would look at and have ten different interpretations of the meaning, or then again they could just think "What's that daft mackem cunt on about now?". Sometimes i don't agree with the things Stevie says. Sometimes the stuff he says boils my piss. ....... and other times he comes out with utter comic gold
  6. He'd be a very logical signing tbh, especially since we're weak at Left Back. Probably the exact reason it hasn't happened. Or that he is always injured like.................... You appear to be unfamiliar with NUFC's transfer policy. Is that on the back of a 1st or 2nd class stamp?
  7. Might I be so impertinent as to ask how she died? Was it because of her sordid and debaucherous lifestyle? And even if it wasn't, would you mind if I suggest that it was? PM was inconclusive, she had epilepsy and was found face down and stone cold by her mother one morning so the presumption is she had a fit and suffocated. As to your second question, I would find such a suggestion a bit bizarre as she didn't live such a lifestyle - not that Gately did either. I realise that it's not as easy for you or others to brush away such suggestions given the way that lage parts of society STILL persistently implies that homosexuality is a sordid practice. I'm not just talking about the Daily Mail, which as I've said is an easy target, but many comedians, writers etc make jokes or implications about gay people that are widely accepted by most otherwise liberal minded people. I've edited my post as I hadn't seen your reply. I'm not defending the article. It's the inconsistency of people's reactions that bothers me. Firstly, sorry to hear about the death of your mates girlfriend. Sudden death like that is a devastating experience. (I know from experience). Quite clearly, having the above on your mind, your slot more sensitive than most in here to the jokes in this thread. The thing is, they are a part of life, and life goes on. When I lost my brother , I couldn't bear to watch the news in case another stabbing was reported. Took me a while, but I can now make cracks and jokes like the ones here. People aren't sick or insensitive, they're just doing what everyone does. The reaction to the article is IMO because of the implication that he died because he was gay, therefore living a depraved life. Again, you and your mate really do have my sympathy at what is a very emotional time, but life does continue.
  8. Renton, you should try Dungeon Ghyll and Jacks Rake (on Pavey Ark crag). The ghyll is a decent wee romp, go up the ghyll then cross over to Sprinkling Tarn. The cliff at the back of the tarn can be climbed diagonally (btm right to top left) by a "path" called Jacks Rake. The ghyll is 5 minutes from the car park at New Dungeon Ghyll pub in Langdale. The whole thing can be done in a 1/2 day. I love scrambling, adds a little extra to walks.
  9. Was thinking that when I saw the weather last night actually. I'm planning a dash to Blencathra tomorrow if you fancy it. The scary way or the easier way? Sharp edge on ascent or nothing. Probably descend down Hall's fell. Other than that it doesn't seem to be a particularly interesting fell to me (never done it before mind). Ideally I'd like to combine it with Skiddaw, but want to get back in time to watch the match. Which way are you doing Sca fell CT, or do you mean Scafell pike? I did Scafell pike 2 years ago from Seathwaite on a glorious spring day. Seriously couldn't believe how easy it was. There were literally hundreds on it that day. My only caution would be it must be a nightmare to navigate in poor visibility. You're right about Blencathra. Once you've done Sharp Edge, there's not alot too it.Down Halls fell is the best bet then pint/home. Skiddaw is a dull heap.
  10. Yes you can call them that if it makes you really angry to call them hills/mountains/results of orogenesis, personally it's more a matter of perspective. No anger, just the accepted term. The Fell and Rock Club Wainwright's Guides to the Lakeland Fells Fell Running etc Hey Ho where you been lately Foppy? Up a mountain somewhere
  11. I'm Spartacus... No im sparticus Oh, go on then ...... I'm Spasticus Autisticus. Artisticus, shirley? Not according to Mr. Dury , "I wiggle when I piddle as my middle is a riddle I'm Spasticus I'm Spasticus I'm Spasticus Autisticus" Genius Googled it and you're right goddammit. Must have been the cockney accent that fooled me. * plays the anti-cockney card to get out of jail * Cockernee card accepted Kitman *spaz*
  12. A favourite of mine starts with Cat Bells, follow the ridge all the way over Maiden Moor, up to Dale Head, then drop into the valley and back for a pint at the Swinside Inn.
  13. Yes, except they're called Fells.
  14. He's been sacked. Gave too many punters the wrong burgers.
  15. Can't say I'd be too disappointed if Argentina don't stand a chance I can see it now- England 1-1 Argentina. Quarter final. 90th minute. Gerrard wins a penalty with a blatant dive. Beckham puts it away. Terry Butchers head explodes with delight.
  16. British men have more stamina in bed than foreigners, study finds Last Updated: 7:04AM BST 16/10/2009 British men have more stamina between the sheets than their foreign counterparts – lasting just 10 minutes, a study has found. GETTY IMAGES British men last longer in bed than their foreign counterparts, a study has found Researchers in Holland measured the sexual performance of nearly 500 men from five countries against the clock. They found that British men had sex for 10 minutes on average before reaching an orgasm. American men came second with an average performance of eight minutes, followed by the Dutch with a 6.5-minute innings. Spaniards were fourth, giving their lovers 4.9 minutes of pleasure, while Turks trailed in last, clocking up an average 4.4 minutes. One man, whose nationality was not identified, lasted just six seconds, the study by experts at Utrecht University in the Netherlands found. However, another participant in the research put in a 52-minute performance before peaking. A spokesman told The Sun: "The UK had the longest time. We found no major difference in those who used condoms. But men who drank alcohol before sex tended to last longer." The study, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, was examining premature ejaculation. The condition is medically defined as the inability to last more than a minute. Forty per cent of British men are thought to suffer from the condition.
  17. *Stephen Hawkings voice*. "pass the lard, bitch"
  18. Nice one. I assume Tonga escaped the Tsunami that recently devastated Samoa? Aye, they sat the King on the beach. Island saved.
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