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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Fucking Superb. Martins...... mystery, wrapped in a conundrum, sealed in an enigma. But who cares Get in ya wee bastid.
  2. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/35...lm-factory.html
  3. Out with a fist inj apparently. I never touched him Officer.....
  4. *switches on eternal optimist mode* 2-1 Beye header 38 mins Owen Arse deflection 64 mins theirs by K.D. Fiddler 82 mins, just to make us shite it for the whistle.
  5. Shearers tactics for the remaining games
  6. I'm sure you have no clue of the details of his 'misadventure'. I am glad you think fucking a 13 year old girl up the arse is just a misadventure. It is if he was aiming for the front bum!
  7. New Spartacus inspired game; I'M SOCCERMOM!
  8. I'm amazed ANYONE with a degree of intelligence still believes Soccermom could be a lass. Men usually arent that bitchy. Well, as a rule anyway. Maybe they're women, masquerading as blokes?
  9. Even with a 100% slut quota, I'd rather eat my own head.
  10. We're not going to lose, I'm totally relaxed about it, Boro are shit IF we do lose we deserve to be relegated twice straight in to League One. We'll win 1-0 tonight and it will be comfortable. Can't believe it's not sold out, telly or not. Like a rapier blade of clarity, stevie nails it again
  11. You evidently haven't witnessed him at close quarters... he's absolutely gash man! Before he came to you he was one of the most highly rated young defenders in the world. Bassong on the other hand, no one had heard of. Weird how things work out. young? he's27-8 is he not?
  12. wining- verbally and of the grape juice variety
  13. Yep hes out and you have my word that if he ends up being charged and convicted of abh I'll eat my own shit. to save us reading it?
  14. Tried these yet? http://www.edinburghbicycle.com/comms/srv....mp;f_Cardinal=1
  15. Viduka's fucked then.
  16. Fuck. Cup of soup on my monitor. So long as you didn't get any on that lovely Oak venneer, real oak mind....
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