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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Given better than Buffon Stevie? That'll be Nolan better than Zidane too, is it?
  2. Even if the new shirt made me look like Jonny fuckin Depp I wouldn't buy one. Line the pockets of the Fat One for some atrocious abomination of our iconic strip? No thanks Mike you cunt.
  3. Admit defeat Dougie! You have been totally OWNED in this thread. I have not laughed so much in a while, you can actually SEE the moment your arse falls out Top marks Craig!( aka The Cunt Hunter)
  4. Is the one on the right Albert Craig?
  5. It's better than talking about getting relegated. Plus it gives Douglas the chance to make a fool of Douglas.
  6. After last weeks antics everyone on the board should put him on ignore, the kids a Divvy. Probably updating the attendance records on wiki as we speak. No doubt. The kids an embarrassment imo, would put money on that he's been chased off any decent spurs forums. No such thing, thats why the virus is on here.
  7. Rather 16,000 geordies than 30,000 wankers like Dan boy
  8. I've got a spare place in my plane this weekend's jump Danny, I'll even pack your chute for you.fancy it?
  9. Could be brock on the left of Mira(o.p.)?
  10. Jackson at top, Bogie, bottom right of 2nd pic. Neither of them either. we'll get there eventually.
  11. Nah, Big daft mackem that he was, Howey was never that plug ugly.
  12. Don't think its Gary Brazil either.
  13. david robinson (from wallsend boys club website) make your own minds up, but I don't think it's him. EDIT: Fixed the link for you... Craig
  14. Just the racists and Homophobes thanks "coming over here, stealing our men."
  15. This is why I planned my wedding for the international weekend in October If I'm not happy about missing a match for my own wedding, it seems unfair to inflict it upon the guests too. As for the game, I'd go same as Monday night. I doubt Jonas could be quite as bad again, and I think Lovenkrands is a better option coming on when the opposition are tiring. Oba didn't look fit on Monday so it's too much of a risk to start him. My fiancee did the same thing.. we planned the wedding the weekend after the season ends. She is just worried what state of mind I will be in if we happen to get relegated... the pictures would look horrible with that depressed look on my face She'll enjoy her "wedding night" if we stay up tho Regarding the game- if it ain't broke....... same start as smogs Better than last Monday night! Aye, Mrs.Fist has suddenly taken an interest in the last two games
  16. This is why I planned my wedding for the international weekend in October If I'm not happy about missing a match for my own wedding, it seems unfair to inflict it upon the guests too. As for the game, I'd go same as Monday night. I doubt Jonas could be quite as bad again, and I think Lovenkrands is a better option coming on when the opposition are tiring. Oba didn't look fit on Monday so it's too much of a risk to start him. My fiancee did the same thing.. we planned the wedding the weekend after the season ends. She is just worried what state of mind I will be in if we happen to get relegated... the pictures would look horrible with that depressed look on my face She'll enjoy her "wedding night" if we stay up tho Regarding the game- if it ain't broke....... same start as smogs
  17. Proper 70s porn muff on the mam ,mind.
  18. Isn't that " lady" paintball? 400-500 fps BBs v balls of paint I'm gunna get caned btw my brother in law n his pals are all ex army Airsoft uses non-metallic pellets. Definitely not BB! depends on the place, there are various rules in place but they are generally ignored to an extent the no headshot rule for instance, doesn't really work with snipers who are also using heavier BBs(or pellets) to give truer aim the crux of the matter being that I'm going to be slaughtered but am still very much looking forward to sunday Big Girl's Blouse
  19. Isn't that " lady" paintball?
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