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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Shop assistants counting back change, a la Peter Kay; " 5's 10 and, £3's your £5 , and £5 ..........." fuck off, just gimme the bastard change!
  2. You can donate the £50 to Amnesty International Stevie!
  3. White Supremasist Coffee Morning?
  4. People who eat with their mouth open-ffs man! Evolve!
  5. Welcome to boards Italian Mag. Err .... Alphabetti spaghetti (is it a game?)
  6. Cake, jelly and ice cream to you both lads.
  7. Surely there must be disquiet amongst the fans? O'neil needs to man up and admit that hes wrong. Pots and fucking kettles Dougie!
  8. And the word was............ Gettofuckyouannoyingcockneywanker.
  9. *clue; how "friendly" are mackems with their sisters?* Aye I got this one - the family on the right hand side is a bit incesteous don't you think? The ebay item one though... jesus, man put some kegs on before you take a pic! Spurs fan by the looks of it
  10. Fuck off. Say what you mean Alex he doesn't get subtlety
  11. http://www.yourrights.org.uk/faqs/criminal...al-record.shtml both right-ish
  12. What was it like over there for the Hatton Pacman fight? the streets were silent. then very loud. cinemas were showing it. then the homecoming was insane, national day of celebration etc... shame he's spoiling it all by trying to become a politician. I would like Marvellous Marvin as my M.P. "Pay my expenses, Sucka!"
  13. *clue; how "friendly" are mackems with their sisters?*
  14. Pushing the envelope tbh. Wahey!
  15. Do you think that's wise? Some radge basser cracked a window there, dodgy Any decent bars at the coast showing it- me mate's moving away and a bunch of us planning drinks & match at the coast.
  16. Wot, no grumble flics?
  17. In customer services or complaints?
  18. WTF? * Mind, I wouldn't mind getting into Lily Allen( guilty pleasure #345)
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