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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. If Hall finds the "horror" and "despair" too much, he could always put his hand in his pocket and buy us back. Bargain price now I'm sure.Just keep Dougie well away this time. Or failing that, he could SHUT THE FUCK UP THE HYPOCRITE.
  2. I've been getting WUM texts from someone, very likely SMB. Don't recognize the number, or know how they got mine.I responded after the 1st one asking who they were, Alan Shearer being the witty as butter reply. I was very tempted to post their number on here, but they could easily reciprocate. Think a few calls asking to speak to Big Al at 3 am might do the trick. Any ideas, bearing in mind they also have my number.
  3. You'll probably enjoy this www.pinballmuseum.org/ (tried posting it as a link but too hungover)
  4. I find lead shot the most effective anti-mackem ammo.
  5. Mince and fucking Dumplings. ( written as I walk home to Forest Hall from the Coast).
  6. I reckon we could rebuid Hadrians wall at the rate Im going. Just had my third turd of the day and our is pissing herself. Not great scenes tbh. why do women not get this ? Get rid of her for the day, give her some money to go shopping. Mine is out thank fuck Mine asked why I was tetchytoday. I told her its like knowing , 2 weeks in advance, that the best shag of your life is going to dump you, today being it. Probably not the best analogy to use to my wife, but she's fucked off to her mam's so it did the trick. I've been getting "Cheer up, it's only a game, it doesn't matter." cunt punt, I dont care if its your mother. Its deserved. x2
  7. I'm on O2 small business tariff, £34 a month, free iphone, 700 mins, unlimited everything else, text , tinterweb etc. If you can, get on it.
  8. I reckon we could rebuid Hadrians wall at the rate Im going. Just had my third turd of the day and our is pissing herself. Not great scenes tbh. why do women not get this ? Get rid of her for the day, give her some money to go shopping. Mine is out thank fuck Mine asked why I was tetchytoday. I told her its like knowing , 2 weeks in advance, that the best shag of your life is going to dump you, today being it. Probably not the best analogy to use to my wife, but she's fucked off to her mam's so it did the trick.
  9. Following on from the pleas not to be seen "crying on the telly", when the inevitable puerile shite baits are dangled by the likes of Douggy B , lets rise above it. Ignore the twat, or post a one-word nonsense reply. I will be using " courgette". Lets not bite. Just an idea to try to make the next few days easier( should it happen).
  10. This. Had this song in me head all morning Off down the coast for a glass of anaesthetic.
  11. And I , Jimbo, would light my post coital fag off those matches.
  12. Well said Stevie- Proud to be a Geordie.
  13. I REALLY would like to say yes, but sadly ... No.
  14. As we speak Jokin Ear is hammering a deal for "top striker" kevin Phillips.
  15. "free replacement Champeenshit crests for every mug that bought the new shirt!*" *only £1 per stitch for season ticket holders. £2 otherwise.
  16. I'm an atheist. Thank God
  17. iphone does all of the above, and its a phone/mini satnav/ star trek phaser etc etc etc ( guess who just got one )
  18. Time to apply the Democratic Principle to the great " is it Howey" question. Mr Thomas gets my vote.
  19. Quality article that. To answer the op. No, tears are not on the cards. Been prepared for it, like most on here, since about January. Not going to make it any more palatable IF it happens. Tears are for women*. *insert your own inflammatory group here
  20. Whisky for breakfast Pud?
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